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The #USPresident’s daughter claims - Khan 09-01 04:09 | 318 bytes |   Rate

Taiwan shot down a drone - T 09-01 00:01 | 50.5 KB | >> collapsed << link +8   Rate

Awesome pics from Changchun 2022 from People's Pictorial - bomberman. 08-31 18:27 | 2182 bytes | >> collapsed << img +6   Rate

2022 Changchun Air Show in 125 seconds - bomberman. 08-31 20:56 | 302 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Anyone watching House of Dragons on HBO? - bomberman. 08-31 16:04 | 206 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

First batch of flood relief aid from China arrives in Pakistan - bomberman. 08-31 18:25 | 302 bytes |   Rate

J-15B CATOBAR in the sky - bomberman. 08-31 15:48 | 253 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

CH-6 and other UAVs massive vid - bomberman. 08-31 16:00 | 302 bytes |   Rate

China's 1st solar exploration satellite achieves massive breakthroughs - bomberman. 08-31 15:44 | 302 bytes |   

How China is pushing for autonomous driving! - bomberman. 08-31 15:43 | 302 bytes |   Rate

Shenzhou-14 crew prepares for extravehicular activities - bomberman. 08-31 15:42 | 302 bytes |   Rate

China Is Aggressively Reselling Russian Gas To Europe - cyber horse 08-31 09:06 | 8519 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +6   Rate

New 6x6 HMMWV based MLRS - bomberman. 08-30 22:08 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Thank U Gorby !! R.I.P... - Mao Clone 08-30 10:11 | 518 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +8   Rate

Drones and anti-drone gun - bomberman. 08-30 19:15 | 1086 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

PL-10E PL-15E performances have reached the international leading level - bomberman. 08-30 21:51 | 302 bytes |   Rate

Mahathir urges Asean to move towards China after US’s Taiwan 'provocation' - cyber horse 08-30 05:47 | 3150 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

中国芯片往事? - Khan 08-30 09:27 | 307.5 KB | link   Rate

Dugin was once hostile to China and wanted it to be ‘dismantled’ - Khan 08-29 02:45 | 185 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

PAF J-10C new camo - bomberman. 08-29 01:40 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Z-10K up close from Changchun Air Show 2022 - bomberman. 08-26 20:53 | 828 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

GJ-2 ground attack UAV - bomberman. 08-27 22:59 | 104 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Why does Indian navy bother with F-18 and Rafale-M trials? - motif 08-28 04:58 | 1851 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

EU Map of the day - motif 08-28 05:10 | 74 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

Taiwanese soldiers throw rocks at Chinese drone over Kinmen (how many feet?) - cyber horse 08-26 20:51 | 820 bytes | >> collapsed << +6   Rate

Y-20U 4k pics - bomberman. 08-27 01:11 | 814 bytes | img   Rate

JF-17 Thunder Block-III #22-307 in PAF colours - bomberman. 08-26 13:49 | 560 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

Nice souvenir at the 2022 Changchun Air Show - bomberman. 08-26 19:30 | 228 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

J-20 exhaust - bomberman. 08-26 12:42 | 815 bytes | >> collapsed << img +4   Rate

Wing Loong 2H and Tengden TB-A UAVs carrying out cloud seeding - bomberman. 08-26 12:33 | 839 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

All hands on deck at Chongqing frontlines - bomberman. 08-26 18:27 | 302 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

PLA 10th Peace Keeping mission departs for Mali - bomberman. 08-26 16:29 | 1341 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Y-20U fuel payload expect to be >100t - bomberman. 08-26 16:32 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

US professor among thousands of volunteers who help putout wildfire in Chongqing - bomberman. 08-26 14:13 | 302 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Are there any images of the original 055 or other cancelled PLAN projects - -Corsair- 08-21 20:46 | 92 bytes | >> collapsed << +6   Rate

Progress made in reusability with second flight of suborbital spaceplane - motif 08-26 02:29 | 4413 bytes | link img   Rate

Type 054A Anyang watching ROCN Perry Class - bomberman. 08-26 00:54 | 218 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

China testing hypersonic bullets on live targets - Khan 08-25 22:33 | 105 bytes |   Rate

J-20, J-16, Y-20 flight demos at Changchun Air Show - bomberman. 08-25 20:52 | 1264 bytes |   Rate

some entertainment - crime stories -- Masterminds - Hot Wheels - cyber horse 08-25 17:56 | 357 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Camo gun case - bomberman. 08-25 04:07 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

YJ-83 with new dual-model guidance - bomberman. 08-25 03:18 | 782 bytes | >> collapsed << img +7   Rate

China Coast Guard rescues Viet fisherman floating at sea for 3 days - bomberman. 08-24 16:20 | 1106 bytes | img   

Shandong Carrier CV-17 battle group in South China Sea - bomberman. 08-24 14:24 | 302 bytes |   Rate

Stunning view of Y-20's hot body - bomberman. 08-22 17:39 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +6   Rate

ROCN's brand new LPD 1401 at sea - bomberman. 08-23 22:04 | 302 bytes |   Rate

Y-20U refuelling J-20 and Il-78 refuelling Su-30 - bomberman. 08-23 16:34 | 996 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

View from robotic arm moving around CSS - motif 08-23 04:10 | 219 bytes |   Rate

PLAN update Aug 2022 - motif 08-22 03:54 | 4933 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +4   

Sea Cup naval gunfire accuracy competition between PLAN and Russian Navy - bomberman. 08-20 21:11 | 302 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

Two AR500-B unmanned helicopters delievered to China Maritime Safety Admin. - bomberman. 08-22 23:30 | 929 bytes | img   Rate

轰-20 - CcW 08-22 20:22 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

China’s heat-seeking radar with 300km range boosts anti-stealth tech? - Khan 08-22 18:33 | 187 bytes |   Rate

83rd group army throws wild BBQ party on the plateau - bomberman. 08-22 17:54 | 302 bytes |   Rate

KJ-500A, KJ-200G, H-6KG - bomberman. 08-20 18:18 | 1362 bytes | >> collapsed << img +9   

Is the J-20 two-seater called J-20S or J-20 AS? [no text] - -Corsair- 08-21 20:47 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Motif's post made me think: how should Taiwan be denazified after reunification? [no text] - -Corsair- 08-21 20:45 | 0 bytes |   Rate

Europe’s Gas Price Is Now Equivalent To $410 Per Barrel Of Oil - cyber horse 08-21 18:56 | 5688 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Who did it? - Khan 08-21 04:22 | 109 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

'New normal' across the Taiwan Strait as China threat looms ever closer - cyber horse 08-19 09:34 | 379 bytes | >> collapsed << link +6   Rate

A tour to China's most advanced nuclear plant - bomberman. 08-21 00:01 | 302 bytes |   Rate

China space station: Shenzhou-14 crew installs new life support subsystem - bomberman. 08-21 00:00 | 302 bytes |   Rate

Space Log: Exploring the beauty of earth 400 km above its surface - bomberman. 08-20 18:31 | 302 bytes |   Rate

China advances research of next-gen rockets for future space missions - bomberman. 08-20 18:28 | 302 bytes |   Rate

Are they blacks again? - Khan 08-17 03:48 | 200 bytes | >> collapsed << +11   Rate

Z-10 landing on helo deck of civilian ship - bomberman. 08-19 01:54 | 1437 bytes | img   Rate

Two new pics of JF-17 Block-III serial production airframe - bomberman. 08-19 01:43 | 202 bytes |   Rate

OT, any of ya kids like Blackpink? - bomberman. 08-18 21:05 | 470 bytes | >> collapsed << +8   Rate

Type-071 LDP docked at PLA Djibouti support base - bomberman. 08-18 17:31 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Inside the software that will become the next battle front in US-China chip war - cyber horse 08-18 16:49 | 501 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

No longer a pariah? - Khan 08-18 16:26 | 52.9 KB | link   Rate

Paper dollars for gold? - Khan 08-18 16:21 | 18.6 KB |   Rate

Ukraine conflict could end Western hegemony? - Khan 08-18 16:17 | 29.3 KB |   Rate

Japan COVID deaths up sevenfold over month amid latest virus wave - motif 08-18 05:20 | 4102 bytes | link img   Rate

Cheney’s defeat end of an era for GOP; Trump’s party now - cyber horse 08-17 15:54 | 7517 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

Russian Navy Steregushchiy-class "Gromkiy" along side PLAN 054A "Handan" - bomberman. 08-17 13:59 | 1138 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

Who said TI'er has nothing to do with Jap fascisit? - motif 08-16 17:43 | 1065 bytes | >> collapsed << img +6   Rate

3rd Type 075 LHD Anhui returned to port and ready for commission - bomberman. 08-17 13:52 | 1086 bytes | >> collapsed << img +4   Rate

Sad news - Khan 08-17 08:49 | 209 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

I'm certain the Indian goverment is sponsoring this anit-China Youtube Channel - bomberman. 08-16 21:08 | 374 bytes | >> collapsed << link +11   Rate

Russian Navy Steregushchiy-class corvette arrives in Qingdao - bomberman. 08-16 18:04 | 853 bytes | >> collapsed << img +6   Rate

Type-055 DDG Nanchang holds live-fire drill to support landing troops - bomberman. 08-16 22:15 | 302 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Fishing moratorium officially lifed in South China Sea - bomberman. 08-16 22:13 | 1087 bytes | img   Rate

ATGM live rounds firing - bomberman. 08-16 19:02 | 318 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

SZ-14 crew about to perform space walk from WT airlock - motif 08-16 17:55 | 1234 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +1   Rate

J-20S twin-seater prototype #2032 flying - bomberman. 08-16 11:56 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +4   Rate

Yuanwang-5 research ship visits Sri Lanka's Hambantota Port - bomberman. 08-16 06:42 | 302 bytes |   Rate

Civilisational states - Khan 08-16 02:03 | 355 bytes |   Rate

柬埔寨打工大騙局? - Khan 08-13 03:21 | 318 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

CZ-2F payload fairing that launched the reusable space plane - motif 08-14 18:18 | 131 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

Congrats to Tesla Giga Shanghai on making one millionth car! - bomberman. 08-15 18:48 | 93 bytes |   Rate

Memorial held across China to commemorate 77th anniversary of Japan's surrender - bomberman. 08-15 16:22 | 302 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

PLA snippers with Invisio V20 PTT Control Unit - bomberman. 08-15 17:17 | 542 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Various target drones - bomberman. 08-15 15:58 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

PLAAF J-10Cs and KJ-500 arrived at Udon AB, Thailand - bomberman. 08-15 15:11 | 97 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

ROCN Kidd-Class filmed from Type-052D - bomberman. 08-15 11:53 | 145 bytes | img   Rate

Mechanized rail to ship delivery - bomberman. 08-15 11:50 | 302 bytes |   Rate

Type-96B in tank biathlon at International Army Games - bomberman. 08-15 11:45 | 302 bytes |   Rate

"DON'T BLAME CHINA" - Khan 08-15 06:00 | 318 bytes |   Rate

PLAAF approach Penghu on Aug 15 - motif 08-15 04:26 | 248 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Congrat!Happy75th birthday,bharat1)GDP>UK's2)demografic dividend 21times bigger - QAnontumFecesist 08-14 22:49 | 1139 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

Russian Army General Yuri Baluyevsky described the ‘pinpoint accuracy - Khan 08-15 03:05 | 4691 bytes |   Rate

Payback time - Khan 08-15 02:41 | 692 bytes |   Rate

Raid at Mar-a-Lago - motif 08-14 01:05 | 750 bytes | >> collapsed << img +6   Rate

Russia vows to expand relations with North Korea - swoosh 08-14 18:10 | 7484 bytes |   Rate

USA = USSR, China = USA if Cold War 2.0? (Kishore Mahbubani 18 minutes) - cyber horse 08-13 18:07 | 304 bytes | >> collapsed << +14   Rate

Our snipers and tanks at Army Games 2022 - bomberman. 08-12 07:15 | 1086 bytes | >> collapsed << img +27   Rate

We made dumplings today - bomberman. 08-13 21:24 | 92 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

PAP Z-20 - bomberman. 08-13 21:42 | 225 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   

Beautfiul MMs at Army Games 2022 in China's Xinjiang - bomberman. 08-13 21:13 | 302 bytes |   Rate

Target: Taiwan - motif 08-13 20:51 | 8771 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +1   

U.S. vs. China: What Aircraft Carriers Reveal About the Military Tech Race | WSJ - cyber horse 08-13 17:50 | 308 bytes |   Rate

CBS Removes Documentary on Ukraine Military Aid After Pressure - swoosh 08-13 17:09 | 9691 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Z-20s by the flocks - bomberman. 08-11 21:08 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Appeasing the US will never work - Khan 08-11 18:14 | 86.7 KB | >> collapsed << link +7   Rate

Japanese sailor attacked in Solomon Islands - bomberman. 08-12 21:12 | 2742 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

New pic of CV-18 Fujian - bomberman. 08-12 22:25 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   

Will salmon Rush2die go to Jannah(paradise) or Jahannam(hell)? - ChairmanMaoHamet 08-12 21:01 | 315 bytes | link   Rate

J-20 helmets - bomberman. 08-12 18:51 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

I don't know what some you are thinking regarding Pelosi: - -Corsair- 08-07 11:03 | 2970 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

PLAN should build a new class of LSTs - -Corsair- 08-07 11:05 | 846 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Taiwan’s reunification countdown has begun - Khan 08-08 05:31 | 267.4 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

PLA to conduct live firing exercise surrounding TW - motif 08-02 18:36 | 536 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

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