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Steve Hill B.Sc - QanontumFecesist 05-07 06:34 | 11.4 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Deep Blue AeroSpace completed 1 km hop test of reusable "Nebula-M1" - motif 05-07 02:03 | 393 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

NATO officers to join Moscow parade? - Khan 05-06 17:38 | 69 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

China Orders Government, State Firms to Dump Foreign PCs - cyber horse 05-06 17:39 | 3839 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   

Looks like the matrix operator of weaponising nazism/holocaust needs correction - ChairmanMaoHamet 05-06 15:30 | 1755 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Poverty in the USA: Being Poor in the World's Richest Country (Documentary) - cyber horse 05-06 16:05 | 776 bytes |   Rate

US provided intel that helped Ukraine target Russian warship - Canis Majoris 05-06 12:28 | 43 bytes |   Rate

Russia's Admiral Makarov warship 'on fire...' - Khan 05-06 06:08 | 534 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

14.9 million excess deaths associated with the COVID in 2020 & 2021 - motif 05-06 02:10 | 4317 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +3   Rate

Another jewish(??⇒Zelensky)success in contrarian weaponising of nazism - ChairmanMaoHamet 05-05 11:09 | 1165 bytes | >> collapsed << link +5   Rate

PLA Rocket Force sporting new helmet mounted IR reconnaissance system - bomberman. 05-05 22:25 | 417 bytes | img   Rate

20 (J/Z/Y) family short vid - bomberman. 05-05 22:17 | 318 bytes |   Rate

PLAN ASW short vid - bomberman. 05-05 22:15 | 318 bytes |   Rate

Kazakh sisters in PLA and PLAN - bomberman. 05-05 22:13 | 318 bytes |   Rate

Onboard PLAN J-15 short vid - bomberman. 05-05 22:10 | 318 bytes |   Rate

Xinjiang Military District Combined Arms Division - bomberman. 05-05 22:03 | 953 bytes | img   Rate

Russian armored train in Kherson Oblast - bomberman. 05-05 20:39 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

1:64 PLA Hong Kong Garrison ZSL92B IFV scaled model - bomberman. 05-05 20:29 | 569 bytes | img   Rate

DDG 101 Nanchang along side container ships - bomberman. 05-05 20:26 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

J-10C dropping 250-III low-drag bombs - bomberman. 05-05 20:19 | 553 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

PLA logistics UAV and transport robots - bomberman. 05-05 20:00 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

75th Army Air Assult Bgd Female comrade flying Z-20 - bomberman. 05-05 20:10 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

75th Army Antichemical Warfare Corps - bomberman. 05-05 20:05 | 693 bytes |   Rate

US plans to counter China at risk cuz allies reluctance to host missile system - cyber horse 05-05 15:41 | 787 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

The world isn't lining up behind the West against Russia - cyber horse 05-05 15:48 | 3496 bytes |   Rate

Taiwan is not the next Ukraine - Khan 05-05 14:52 | 145 bytes |   Rate

Commercial imaging satellite Jilin 1's aerial images - motif 05-05 03:25 | 1764 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

This central meeting by Xi basically spelled out what's wrong with SH - motif 05-05 02:53 | 4222 bytes | link img   Rate

Pope says NATO may have caused Russia’s invasion of Ukraine - ChairmanMaohamet 05-04 08:11 | 4294 bytes | >> collapsed << link +13   Rate

That might suit China - Khan 05-04 04:40 | 324 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

?? Sodom und Gomorrah Uber Alles?? part2 - QanontumFecesist 05-04 03:22 | 905 bytes | link img   Rate

More NLAW, AT-4 in Russian "O" unit hands near Lyman - bomberman. 04-30 20:13 | 378 bytes | >> collapsed << img +17   Rate

Human 'hobbit' ancestor may be hiding in Indonesia,new controversial book claims - Mao Clone 05-02 17:00 | 319.3 KB | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

China a great leap closer to building a Moon base? - Khan 05-02 23:40 | 106 bytes |   Rate

Solomon PM suggests Australia’s reaction is hysterical and hypocritical - swoosh 05-01 22:23 | 30.3 KB | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

2nd batch of Norinco VT-4 MBTs delivered to Nigeria - bomberman. 05-01 20:47 | 149 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

Russ Foren Minister:"So what if Zelinsky is jewish, so was Hitler..." - Mao Clone 05-01 19:32 | 7559 bytes | link   Rate

Russia Will Quit International Space Station Over Sanctions(in 12 months) - Mao Clone 05-01 03:24 | 23.2 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Black Students Told to Pick Cotton During Lessons on Slavery - Khan 04-30 23:51 | 53.4 KB | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

North Sea Fleet SAR Exercise featuring Tug #739 and #847? - bomberman. 04-30 19:51 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Putin Preparing Russians for War With NATO? - Khan 04-30 23:55 | 59.0 KB | link   Rate

Z-20 with loaded quad-ATGMs - bomberman. 04-30 16:50 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +6   Rate

Serbia HQ-22 (FK-3) in public display - motif 04-30 19:05 | 320 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

PLAN Marines Type 726/978 LCAC short vid - bomberman. 04-30 17:09 | 318 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

VN-16/ZTD-05 amphibious light tank equipped by Royal Thai Marine Corps - bomberman. 04-30 17:17 | 318 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

VT-5/Type-15 light tank exported to Bangladesh - bomberman. 04-30 17:07 | 318 bytes |   Rate

North Sea Fleet Type-055s in same photo (102 Lhassa, 103 Anshan, 104 Wuxi) - bomberman. 04-30 16:36 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Army Aviation Z-20 and scaled Z-10/20 training models - bomberman. 04-30 16:47 | 553 bytes | img   Rate

Serbian Army displaying their brand new FK-3/HQ-22 - bomberman. 04-30 16:42 | 707 bytes | img   Rate

"Tianhe" (Celestial Harmony) core module of Chinese space station before launch - bomberman. 04-30 16:34 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

Sea launched Kalibr hit US, European weapons depot in Ukraine - motif 04-29 01:15 | 248 bytes | >> collapsed << +8   Rate

JMSDF's new 30FFM "Stealth" Dildo Frigates at sea - bomberman. 04-27 19:04 | 1206 bytes | >> collapsed << img +13   Rate

Chinese Defense Minister’s Iran trip lift military ties - motif 04-29 01:21 | 6072 bytes | link img   Rate

Hotpot King on SH lock down - motif 04-27 03:15 | 659 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

Beautiful Chinese Military Women - Katyusha (sort of disco sounding) - cyber horse 04-28 17:03 | 248 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Demographics push China-India-Russia triple entente? - Khan 04-28 04:41 | 108 bytes |   Rate

Long live Huawei - Khan 04-28 04:40 | 106 bytes |   Rate

Apr 24 is Aerospace Day - Long Lehao give latest update - motif 04-28 04:39 | 2874 bytes | link img   Rate

J-10 low altitude. Xinjiang/Xizang PAP and 72/74 Army Special Ops - bomberman. 04-27 19:19 | 318 bytes |   Rate

SH-15 155mm truck mounted howitzer exported to Pakistan - bomberman. 04-27 19:15 | 318 bytes |   Rate

Latest vid on #81 Zhenghe training ship - bomberman. 04-27 19:14 | 318 bytes |   Rate

More Z-20s and army aviation flight simulators - bomberman. 04-27 18:08 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

QBZ-191 5.8mm rifle portraits - bomberman. 04-27 18:05 | 553 bytes | img   Rate

Is this good for China? - Khan 04-27 05:44 | 95 bytes | >> collapsed << +18   Rate

Green energy innovation to fuel China’s tech revolution - cyber horse 04-27 16:53 | 423 bytes | link   Rate

Z-20, Z-18s - bomberman. 04-26 23:54 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

Another full PLAN/Marines vid - bomberman. 04-26 22:57 | 318 bytes |   Rate

Chelsea Manning & Grimes - QanontumFecesist 04-26 03:27 | 277 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Solomon police force training with Type 95-1 rifle and Type 92 handgun - motif 04-26 01:44 | 1178 bytes | img   

Xuelong 1 and 2 icebreakers back from 38th Antarctica Scientific Expedition - bomberman. 04-25 22:31 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

DPRK 4.25 parade featuring Hwasong-17 ICMB - bomberman. 04-25 21:08 | 1387 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

17 Shandong carrier 5 year launch anniversary - bomberman. 04-25 21:29 | 318 bytes |   

Complete Type 075 LHD, Type-055 DDG + Z-20 vid - bomberman. 04-25 21:27 | 318 bytes |   Rate

Type 075 LHD #31 Hainan vid - bomberman. 04-25 21:24 | 318 bytes |   

Three Type 055 in one photo - bomberman. 04-25 21:20 | 111 bytes | img   Rate

JH-7 laser designation pods, YJ-83K AShM, KD-88 AGM/ASM - bomberman. 04-25 21:13 | 834 bytes | img   Rate

How might lessons from the Slava sinking be applied by PLAN? - -Corsair- 04-24 20:10 | 466 bytes | >> collapsed << +15   Rate

Bucha Result of Artillery Most likely Fired **by** Ukraine - motif 04-25 05:28 | 380 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

What’s next for the China Space Station in 2022 and 2023 - Mao Clone 04-24 02:49 | 277 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

China to conduct asteroid deflection test around 2025 - Mao Clone 04-24 17:31 | 14.9 KB | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

The military race for low Earth orbit satellites - Khan 04-24 17:51 | 120.3 KB |   Rate

I wonder what they would say if the refugees were Chinese??? - Khan 04-24 01:31 | 106 bytes |   Rate

Type 55 #102 Lhasa from above - bomberman. 04-23 14:48 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +7   Rate

PLAN area air defence ship update - motif 04-23 21:51 | 5989 bytes | link img   Rate

16 Liaoning carrier strike group control room - bomberman. 04-22 22:06 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +7   Rate

Chinese descendants in Africa? - Khan 04-23 19:24 | 69 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Hitler might be an avatar of Vishnu (according to Hitler's hindu 'priestess') - QanontumFecesist 04-23 17:58 | 22.2 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

De-Sinification? - Khan 04-23 07:14 | 69 bytes |   Rate

Kham should like this one - Khan 04-23 05:50 | 587 bytes |   Rate

Some insight about the state of China semiconductor - swoosh 04-21 16:49 | 53 bytes | >> collapsed << +6   Rate

Z-20F taking off form Type 55 DDG - bomberman. 04-22 20:48 | 562 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +2   Rate

In-depth vid: Z-19 Millimeter wave radar - bomberman. 04-22 21:59 | 318 bytes |   Rate

4 short vids on support/logicstic/marine vehicles, mortar - bomberman. 04-22 21:57 | 1032 bytes |   Rate

More on SZ-13 recovery team vehicles - bomberman. 04-22 21:53 | 318 bytes |   Rate

QBZ-191 family 5.8x42mm automatic rifle - bomberman. 04-22 21:52 | 318 bytes |   Rate

2 vids: Xinjiang Theater PHL-03 MLRS and 81st army 155mm SP Howtizer firing - bomberman. 04-22 21:48 | 620 bytes |   Rate

In-depth AVIC 4th gen ejection seat vid - bomberman. 04-22 21:41 | 318 bytes |   Rate

In-depth Type 08 8x8 IFV vid - bomberman. 04-22 21:39 | 318 bytes |   Rate

77th Army Aviatoin Bgd, AC352 flight test - bomberman. 04-22 21:37 | 318 bytes |   Rate

Happy 73rd birthday to People's Navy - bomberman. 04-22 21:22 | 2248 bytes | img   Rate

Type 075 LHD #31 #32, Spy Ship #797, YJ-18, PLAN UAVs - bomberman. 04-22 20:50 | 791 bytes | img   Rate

Murrika thinks China - Khan 04-21 18:32 | 9934 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

PLAN Naval Day promotional video - motif 04-22 00:34 | 409 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

AVIC's 3rd and 4th gen ejection seats - bomberman. 04-19 16:59 | 101 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Hitler(birthday today)was more stupid than he was evil:His10worst mistakes - Mao Clone 04-20 16:09 | 241 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

US ready to fight Russia to the last Ukrainian - motif 04-17 21:39 | 550 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

PLAN promo video reveals hypersonic AShM cold launched by 055 Destroyer - bomberman. 04-19 16:53 | 674 bytes | >> collapsed << +6   

Posted B4:Hungry chicoms import100mil tons of soy/yr;Now hindus xport more wheat - InTheNameOfJesus 04-16 22:53 | 1784 bytes | >> collapsed << link +29   Rate

SH local CDC head hospitalized - motif 04-20 01:10 | 556 bytes | img   Rate

Silly anti-islam agitation during Ramadan1)Burn Koran2)Pork barbeque near mosque - QanontumFecesist 04-20 00:17 | 555 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

High-res U-20 pics taken in Serbia - bomberman. 04-19 17:24 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Taliban "Marines" equiped with Western gear - bomberman. 04-19 17:35 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

YJ-12B Coastal Defense Missiles - bomberman. 04-19 17:03 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

Huawei scoring 5G and cloud wins in Middle East, next it wants to do ‘green’ - cyber horse 04-19 12:56 | 7252 bytes |   Rate

Coronavirus - Khan 04-17 22:53 | 93.8 KB |   Rate

Yu-11 Torpedo - bomberman. 04-15 20:29 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

(Interesting entertainment news1971)John Wayne:"I believe in white supremacy.... - Mao Clone 04-17 05:35 | 405 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

How Moskva was sunk according to the Ukr - ChairmanMaoHamet 04-15 10:17 | 115 bytes | >> collapsed << +7   Rate

So why are my posts getting censored on CMF [no text] - Canis Majoris 04-15 17:16 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << +8   Rate

(Jane's)Indonesia to copy china's C-705 anti-ship missile? - ChairmanMaoHamet 04-16 16:34 | 552 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

Help! I'm confused.HowTF could math textbooks got banned over 'Race Theory' - ChairmanMaoHamet 04-15 15:36 | 4347 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

On the scene: China's Shenzhou-13 astronauts return to Earth safely - bomberman. 04-16 00:51 | 318 bytes |   Rate

Taliban artillery at boarder with Pakistan as tensions rise - bomberman. 04-15 20:36 | 429 bytes | img   Rate

Seized URK Navy gunboat at Mariupol Port - bomberman. 04-15 20:32 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

New cadets with AT RPG - bomberman. 04-15 20:28 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

SZ-13 capsule successfully touch down in Inner Mongolia - bomberman. 04-15 18:20 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

Pentagon: Ukrainians Sunk Powerful Russian Warship Moskva With Two Missiles - Canis Majoris 04-15 12:49 | 400 bytes |   Rate

The Avoidable War: - Khan 04-15 08:11 | 601 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

Type 039G Song Class SSK in Northern Theater waters - bomberman. 04-14 22:10 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

SZ-13 crew locked and loaded for the return ride to home - motif 04-15 00:39 | 300 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Is Russia Losing the War in Ukraine? - Khan 04-14 20:10 | 69 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

Western Theater 12/17th Combined Arms Brigade ZBD-04 IFVs - bomberman. 04-14 22:18 | 553 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Six ‘China shocks’ ? - Khan 04-14 23:11 | 59.2 KB |   Rate

Mariupol - bomberman. 04-14 22:35 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

New J-10C pics - bomberman. 04-13 15:05 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Russian warship ‘seriously damaged’ by explosion - Khan 04-13 16:41 | 179 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

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