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China's stealth fighter may be getting a new engine - Khan 10-06 19:56 | 12.1 KB | link   Rate

An unpredictable Trump means it’s Xi’s world - Khan 10-06 18:40 | 9807 bytes | link   Rate

Batteries Are the Next Target in China’s Clean-Energy Conquest - Khan 10-06 15:34 | 20.6 KB |   Rate

Campaign against sexbots - InTheNameOfJesus 10-05 21:05 | 99 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

More Chinese guns donated to Philippine Police Forces - DuterteMan 10-05 16:11 | 74 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

The People's Republic's destroyer boasts 122 missile cells but why showing - khammani 10-05 15:19 | 8463 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

China puts more boots at Doklam - mike649 10-04 18:14 | 4828 bytes | link img   Rate

The remains of Marawi City after 3 months of fighting IS mercenaries - DuterteMan 10-04 02:12 | 81 bytes |   Rate

In the beginning,there was Light(Fi) - Mao Clone 10-03 18:17 | 131 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Did that las Vegas shooter turn to the Green Side of the Force b4 the shooting? - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-03 00:42 | 11.1 KB | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

(Posted@other2 sites)When a hindu elite talks about'revolution',WTF it's about - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-01 03:22 | 5964 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

China registered 8000 peacekeepers with UN - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-01 03:10 | 2167 bytes | link   Rate

Long Live the MotherLand !! - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-01 00:30 | 344 bytes | link   Rate

I'm surprised this is reported in the media - -Corsair- 09-30 19:04 | 189 bytes |   Rate

comrades, a question about future industrial trends, which I forget. - cyber horse 09-30 07:11 | 1766 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Chinese woman is taped to wall in her office for driving without a seat belt - mike649 09-29 20:01 | 1934 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

China Is Another Step Closer to Building a Quantum Internet - cyber horse 09-29 15:22 | 7572 bytes |   Rate

Robotic yellow peril - Mao Clone 09-27 17:19 | 4443 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

CRRC losses New York subway bid - mike649 09-28 14:59 | 2913 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Two North Korean Spies are in Ukrainian prison - khammani 09-28 14:09 | 291 bytes | link   Rate

Swedonborg,theologian&scientist;I would say he missed the chance forming a new - InTheNameOfJesus 09-25 12:38 | 604 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Rebuffed in U.S., China-backed Chip Buyer Targets U.K Imagination - mike649 09-26 16:02 | 4510 bytes | link   Rate

The People's Mid-Autumn Festival celebrated in Laos. - khammani 09-26 13:25 | 8583 bytes | link   Rate

The big one thats long awaited might soon be a reality in California - DuterteMan 09-25 02:15 | 225 bytes |   Rate

North Korea wants to be - Khan 09-24 15:47 | 493 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

The Rohingya call themselves'Aryans'?why don't they move to brown aryan bharat? - Mao Clone 09-18 10:28 | 692 bytes | >> collapsed << link +7   Rate

Vietnam's reunification train goes back in time to French Indochina - DuterteMan 09-24 03:45 | 662 bytes |   Rate

In the not too distant future,PLA could robot bug the hell out of the enemy - Mao Clone 09-24 03:43 | 5710 bytes | link   Rate

Tonkin Gulf incident 1964 and attack on USS Liberty in 1967 - DuterteMan 09-23 15:44 | 1071 bytes |   Rate

One of China’s Supercomputers Has Nearly Doubled its Power - cyber horse 09-22 21:34 | 1501 bytes |   Rate

Good example of Nietzsche's 'What doesn't kill you makes you stronger' - Mao Clone 09-19 13:38 | 416 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Dwight Eisenhower 's holocaust --- not told in history books - DuterteMan 09-20 10:19 | 213 bytes | >> collapsed << +7   Rate

Himalayan trek enthusiasts, pls dont over bargain the sherpa guides - DuterteMan 09-22 07:52 | 166 bytes |   Rate

This is how Philippine President Duterte really feels about USA: double-faced - redbrigade 09-21 14:46 | 241 bytes | >> collapsed << +7   Rate

Battle of Binh Gia hamlet left 200 ARVN killed, circa 1964 - DuterteMan 09-20 12:03 | 216 bytes |   Rate

Ukrainian engine firm denies alleged assets freeze - mike649 09-19 14:53 | 2085 bytes | img   Rate

Battle of Ap Bac Village, S Vietnam of 1963 was victory for Vietcong - DuterteMan 09-19 14:29 | 145 bytes |   Rate

Mexico earthquake !! - DuterteMan 09-19 13:50 | 109 bytes |   Rate

Trump review French military parade while in Paris - DuterteMan 09-18 15:15 | 448 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

Laos and the People's Republic hold new defense meeting - khammani 09-18 16:38 | 5123 bytes | link img   Rate

Americans keep reminiscing about VietnamWar but keep making wars today - DuterteMan 09-18 03:28 | 729 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

China's 38-ton heavy-lift helicopter - mike649 09-14 18:00 | 199 bytes | >> collapsed << img +11   Rate

Aw! Instead of a simple handshake,Modi gives a traditional big hug to Abe. - khammani 09-14 05:35 | 3863 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

My proposal of a Chinese IQ denial regime - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-09 03:01 | 1125 bytes | >> collapsed << +20   Rate

Trump to visit China in Nov?I suggest ComradeXi to gift the yank a10km GreatWall - Mao Clone 09-13 10:50 | 614 bytes | link   Rate

Hard to believe.Hindus added too much chilli to the powder?Yankie M777 damaged - Mao Clone 09-13 04:48 | 5035 bytes | link   Rate

When they are persecuted for being Chinese - Khan 09-06 18:47 | 332 bytes | >> collapsed << link +5   Rate

China's KJ-600 Carrier-capable Tactical Airborne Early Warning (AEW) Aircraft - mike649 09-12 14:34 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

If Mao Zedong came back to life: - -Corsair- 09-09 18:51 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

China and Laos must join forces and take out N K peninsula - DuterteMan 09-06 12:56 | 211 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

While I try to keep tabs on yankie queer scene,I must say I'm bewildered - Mao Clone 09-08 03:55 | 2830 bytes | >> collapsed << link +7   Rate

Cooperation with the People's Republic is"a must do" if Laos wants to turn - khammani 09-11 11:19 | 854 bytes | link   Rate

In Commemoration of mathematicians:Stefan Banach(Polish)who fed lice - Mao Clone 09-10 18:26 | 243 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

China, Pakistan air forces hold joint training exercises - mike649 09-10 07:10 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

China lags behind - Khan 09-09 18:52 | 366 bytes | link   Rate

Today in History:1945 Japan Surrenders to The People's Republic of China - khammani 09-09 03:19 | 835 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

India's army chief says China 'testing limits' after stand-off - khammani 09-09 14:42 | 2243 bytes |   Rate

3 xpressions I remember very well from my Form4/grade10 history class in HK - Pandagon C-in-C 09-06 20:13 | 504 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Yet another PS of yellow peril:China to crush yankie robotics industry - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-07 02:39 | 1154 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

我国五大宗教团体负责人共议宗教中国化 - mike649 09-06 16:12 | 7432 bytes | link   Rate

Y do yankie media rag Aung san su kyi lately?Trump isn't black&he has small hand - Pandagon C-in-C 09-05 17:47 | 556 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Is this part of Hindu Culture or is just an insolated incident? - khammani 09-05 13:28 | 720 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Suspected drink-driver arrested after he STOOD UP on the roof of his moving car - cyber horse 09-04 12:44 | 1440 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

North Korea says it has developed 'advanced hydrogen bomb' - cyber horse 09-02 16:02 | 5333 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

The PLA at 90: On the Road to Becoming a World-Class Military - khammani 09-02 14:23 | 271 bytes | link   Rate

Senior hindu official blamed rats for causing deadly flood - Pandagon C-in-C 09-01 20:05 | 1553 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

CIA NSA shadow govt from an insider - DuterteMan 09-01 12:58 | 248 bytes |   Rate

Ren: ... the military will never allow anyone to make trouble "at our doorstep" - rolf 09-01 06:15 | 2790 bytes |   Rate

Bismullah Irahman Iraqhim.The1947india partition was tragedy from Islamic view - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-01 03:43 | 815 bytes | link   Rate

Hinduism: «... has helped establish India's lasting cohesion...» - rolf 08-30 01:43 | 47 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

Dramatic Photos Capture Heroism And Catastrophe In Houston - mike649 08-30 10:29 | 0 bytes |   Rate

Chinese Military Forces can help restore order in post Houston flood - DuterteMan 08-30 07:19 | 211 bytes |   Rate

Interesting video: PLA singers joined the russian chorus(in russian&chinese) - Pandagon C-in-C 08-30 07:13 | 428 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Doklam standoff settlement a victory for Asia - rolf 08-30 01:29 | 185 bytes |   Rate

This is America's Bolshevik Revolution paid by G Soros and company - DuterteMan 08-27 18:31 | 129 bytes |   Rate

Hurricanes are covert weather warfare operations - DuterteMan 08-26 15:18 | 242 bytes | >> collapsed << +11   Rate

PLA救灾工作精神可嘉,但不等于能打战打胜仗 - dafujian 08-26 17:53 | 494 bytes | img   Rate

Is Trump driving Pakistan deeper into China’s orbit? - Khan 08-25 19:53 | 257 bytes | link   Rate

China’s quantum submarine detector ? - Khan 08-25 19:09 | 7422 bytes | link   Rate

George Soros' Open Society funded so many front groups. - DuterteMan 08-24 14:15 | 174 bytes |   Rate

Philippine President Duterte visit Marawi City for the third time - DuterteMan 08-24 10:15 | 482 bytes |   Rate

Police broke up drug fuelled gay orgy in Vatican!Gross violation of human rite!! - Pandagon C-in-C 08-23 14:03 | 3501 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

GMO foods traced its roots back to Agent Orange sprayed over Vietnam jungle - DuterteMan 08-23 04:54 | 669 bytes |   Rate

For sale: China's brand new, souped-up tanks - Popular Science article - cyber horse 08-22 15:19 | 196 bytes | link   Rate

Ukraine on Fire---Docu film made by Oliver Stone - Pandagon C-in-C 08-22 09:21 | 747 bytes | link   Rate

Saviour of orphans - Khan 08-21 19:54 | 279 bytes | link   Rate

India is Number One - Khan 08-21 19:40 | 12.1 KB | link   Rate

Cultural revolution is now erupting in America - DuterteMan 08-21 10:18 | 642 bytes | >> collapsed << +6   Rate

Vatican Pope wanted to fully control the United States - DuterteMan 08-21 09:59 | 274 bytes |   Rate

Who is trying to destabilize Europe? Just caught in time by Spaniards... - DuterteMan 08-21 09:56 | 667 bytes |   Rate

It seems US ships are the biggest threat to freedom of navigation in SCS - T 08-20 18:39 | 76.3 KB | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

One of the fight scenes when Bruce fought Chuck Norris, he had his right leg - khammani 08-19 14:12 | 272 bytes | img   Rate

Comrade Khammani, are you willing to deliver Chinese weapons to Philippines? - DuterteMan 08-18 08:31 | 854 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

The People's Republic just released a video of mocking Indian hahahahaa! - khammani 08-18 17:11 | 548 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Fuhrer Trump should proudly hang this pic of historic importance in hisWH office - Pandagon C-in-C 08-18 08:23 | 1830 bytes | link   Rate

傳習近平有意三連任總書記 - Khan 08-16 19:43 | 7291 bytes | link   Rate

China Says Countdown For War With India Has Begun. India won't backdown - khammani 08-10 17:11 | 262 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

歼-15撞鸟紧急迫降 现场大火熊熊! - dafujian 08-16 16:37 | 632 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

mob lynches a statue of US-Confederate Hero in Durham NC, U.S.A. - cyber horse 08-15 17:08 | 204 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

Watch this video in cantonese! Lost tribes of ISRAEL in CHINA - chinaisraelgdfds 08-13 15:13 | 332 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Take a look - Khan 08-12 18:22 | 1028 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

North Korea’s Missile Success Is Linked to Ukrainian Plant, Investigators Say - cyber horse 08-14 09:08 | 11.9 KB | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

He is the man that many women in Hong Kong and China want - khammani 08-13 07:49 | 1036 bytes | link   Rate

Urine therapy can cure meningitis(a form of encephalitis?) - Pandagon C-in-C 08-12 23:55 | 897 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

"Good job, India!" - Khan 08-12 17:50 | 127 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

PLA scuffle with Indian army at Doklam sector. Wow! - khammani 08-12 10:39 | 366 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

Kevin Durant: Meant no offense in comments about India - sinbad 08-12 10:04 | 22.3 KB | link   Rate

Sixty deaths over 5 days at India hospital without oxygen. Truly unbelievable! - khammani 08-12 06:14 | 670 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

The People's Republic will stay neutral if N Korea attacks US first but will - khammani 08-12 05:50 | 385 bytes | link   Rate

China’s Missile Forces Could Make US War Planners Think Twice - rolf 08-12 02:20 | 140 bytes |   Rate

General Montgomery and today's United States. - cyber horse 08-11 20:16 | 1374 bytes |   Rate

Kathmandu to Lhasa in ten minutes - cyber horse 08-11 15:25 | 469 bytes |   Rate

Is war between China and the US inevitable? - Khan 08-10 19:25 | 49.8 KB | >> collapsed << link +6   Rate

The avenger angel from Sodom and Gomorrah'Guess this is what freedom looks like' - ChairmanMaoHamet 08-11 01:30 | 402 bytes | link   Rate

What is the People's Liberation Army doing in Laos? Train of Peace' mission - khammani 08-10 18:06 | 522 bytes | link img   Rate

Gordon Chang once more - rolf 08-09 23:40 | 334 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

Diplomacy to defuse India, China border crisis slams into a wall: sources - cyber horse 08-08 12:14 | 4509 bytes | >> collapsed << +9   Rate

Today's Nuclear North Korea Is Yesterday's China - Khan 08-08 19:41 | 255 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

China’s Drone-Missile Hybrid - Khan 08-08 19:40 | 249 bytes | link   Rate

Detailed Analysis Of North Korean Missile - Khan 08-04 19:22 | 17.7 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

A sad story of N Korean man living in the south. No place like home - khammani 08-06 21:07 | 425 bytes | >> collapsed << link +6   Rate

China need to train soldiers/pilots/sailors in real combat situation - .45 08-07 20:52 | 2463 bytes |   Rate

India says no troop withdrawal at Doklam amid border standoff - Mike649 08-04 11:27 | 280 bytes | >> collapsed << +7   Rate

China’s first home-grown aircraft carrier - Khan 08-03 19:43 | 289 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

China Will Pay - Khan 08-03 19:06 | 11.7 KB | link   Rate

Tide turns - Khan 08-03 18:06 | 9659 bytes | link   Rate

Old solar panels cast shadow over environment - Khan 07-31 21:49 | 46.2 KB | link   Rate

China, Laos finally start the construction of railways after years of - khammani 07-30 08:11 | 654 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

(Aug1st) PLA 90th anniversary parade pic - ChairmanMaoHamet 07-30 16:21 | 4422 bytes | >> collapsed << +6   Rate

The PLA Air Force’s “Silver-Bullet” Bomber Force - khammani 07-29 17:33 | 19.3 KB | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

J20 - mike649 07-29 21:10 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

About J-20 - Khan 07-29 19:45 | 187 bytes | link   Rate

China to hold military parade to mark PLA 90th birthday - Source: Xinhua - cyber horse 07-29 16:58 | 869 bytes |   Rate

Must b the funniest news of the week:Israeli stink bomb has no effect on indians - ChairmanMaoHamet 07-28 21:43 | 2712 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

China Ramping Up Quest to Become a Space Science Superpower - cyber horse 07-28 20:22 | 289 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

MIDDLE KINGDOM? - Khan 07-28 17:50 | 30.7 KB | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

THE COLDEST WAR - Khan 07-28 18:24 | 29.3 KB | link   Rate

Why the Vietnam war is history but Korean hurt lingers - Khan 07-28 17:54 | 25.5 KB | link   Rate

South China Sea: Vietnam And India Should Follow Duterte's Wisdom - cyber horse 07-27 16:30 | 2399 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Anti-ballistic missile test over China - Khan 07-27 17:49 | 482 bytes | link   Rate

China's Military Drones - Khan 07-26 19:21 | 12.3 KB | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

Some of The People's Weapons - khammani 06-16 08:14 | 2156 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

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