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Chinese military planes flying over Miyako Strait - superblaser 09-25 22:55 | 266 bytes | >> collapsed << +12   Rate

BRs want war(But their conventional edge over Pak vanished when both got nukes) - Pandagon C-in-C 09-26 02:47 | 1323 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

China's Military Might: First, the Good News - khammani 09-24 17:03 | 9585 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Barack Obama’s ‘Asian pivot’ failed. China is in the ascendancy - rolf 09-25 08:40 | 13.4 KB | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

China and Canada reach agreement on beef and canola export - Pandagon C-in-C 09-25 03:59 | 408 bytes | link   Rate

Woman shot intruder - Khan 09-24 01:23 | 235 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Domestically-designed drones help with South China Sea geological surveys - cyber horse 09-23 05:10 | 3645 bytes |   Rate

UK researchers tap into China's scientific powerhouse - cyber horse 09-22 18:08 | 6024 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Allah Akbar!Huawai phone stopped 9mm bullets&saved this S African muslim's life - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-21 15:14 | 442 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Dragon Masters: 2 MMA fighters expirence Real Chinese Kung Fu - RedBrigade 09-22 14:33 | 194 bytes |   Rate

Another an uncommon incident occurs in savage Hindu society.A lawless state - khammani 09-21 19:31 | 666 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Its so obvious Trump is an agent of God to trigger the Nightfall War - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-21 18:48 | 179 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

China’s Tiangong 1 space station will fall to Earth - cyber horse 09-21 09:22 | 4307 bytes |   Rate

South China Sea - rolf 09-21 03:38 | 4065 bytes |   Rate

An existential question:Are Humans Androids Created by God(a superior ET race)? - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-20 18:22 | 853 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

The end of stealth? - Khan 09-20 18:07 | 22.6 KB | link   Rate

The People's Consumers Might Horrify Chairman Mao Zedong - khammani 09-19 18:25 | 10162 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

India - Rafale deal: All details fixed, agreement being finalized - cyber horse 09-17 19:38 | 2563 bytes | >> collapsed << +11   Rate

Thoughts on the so-called H-20 bomber. - Palembang 09-19 07:54 | 177 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Amazing Asian girl beat up 3 gangsters... - RedBrigade 09-16 09:41 | 223 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

I just found out:Pussy rioting at that cathedral was a mockery to russian music - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-18 15:26 | 445 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

The pension gap. Thanks to Gray Hair Davis - khammani 09-18 15:52 | 185 bytes | link   Rate

German hooligans vs salafis(Bratwurst is mostly pork,right?) - Mao Clone 09-17 16:19 | 252 bytes |   Rate

Tiangong 2 launched - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-15 12:31 | 135 bytes | >> collapsed << +6   Rate

Should We Nuke Kim Jung Un - Khan 09-16 21:54 | 10.5 KB | link   Rate

A Coming Reckoning With North Korea? - Khan 09-16 21:43 | 15.3 KB | link   Rate

Here's another gem of hindu wisdom:Drinking milk is extreme cruelty to cows - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-16 00:47 | 321 bytes | link   Rate

One Belt, One Road - Khan 09-15 19:40 | 311 bytes | link   Rate

Robots will eliminate 6% of all US jobs by 2021, report says - Canis Majoris 09-14 07:41 | 4829 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

China to launch world’s first ‘cold’ atomic clock in space - cyber horse 09-14 15:45 | 8434 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

Watch Five Alarmingly Calm Men Stand Under an Exploding Atomic Bomb - cyber horse 09-14 15:31 | 3909 bytes |   Rate

China's graphene vision - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-13 22:36 | 197 bytes | link   Rate

Seems no foren investment on Modi's'Smart'(with functioning sewage system)Cities - Pandagon C-in-C 09-13 21:59 | 298 bytes | link   Rate

Duterte ends joint patrols withUS,wants no war/more F16.May buy chinese&russian - Pandagon C-in-C 09-13 17:33 | 254 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Type 726 LCAC - superblaser 09-11 18:55 | 584 bytes | >> collapsed << +20   Rate

Comrade Corsair,ur expertise needed.Its about nutrition need of 1.5 bil peopl - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-11 05:09 | 117 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Air China racism condemned - Pandagon C-in-C 09-07 18:43 | 585 bytes | >> collapsed << link +6   Rate

China to Launch Spacelab Next Week - qqq 09-10 08:46 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Duterte-Obama blow-up: What the corporate media doesn't get. - Palembang 09-10 04:48 | 239 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

The Saudi dictatorship was the incubator of al-Qaeda(Video&text) - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-09 16:40 | 16.5 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Affront2human dignity!Robot judges of the1st AI run beauty pageant hate darkskin - Pandagon C-in-C 09-09 06:19 | 4356 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

China's H-20 Supersonic Stealth Long-range Strategic Bomber - mike649 09-08 15:11 | 180 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

Are China's Hongqi cars bullet proof and poison gas proof? - superblaser 09-08 17:17 | 1059 bytes |   Rate

Yanks bars entrance of UK dilpomat who blew whistle on Uzbek torture(eg,boiling - Pandagon C-in-C 09-07 23:36 | 573 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Check this out Chairman Mao. - khammani 09-07 15:06 | 646 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Chinese scientists are edifying the hindu claim cows are mothers to mankind - Pandagon C-in-C 09-04 13:23 | 4572 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

How Snowden escaped EXCLUSIVE: The never-been-told story - cyber horse 09-07 05:27 | 292 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Saudi claim"Shiitism=Apostasy" has turned official - Pandagon C-in-C 09-07 04:33 | 4354 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

What We Know About China's New Bomber - khammani 09-06 19:11 | 296 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Pino Prez Duterte calls Obama 'Son of a Whore' - Pandagon C-in-C 09-05 23:59 | 157 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

Xi luvs russian ice cream(f**k,wat happens to Trump ice cream)Have comrades here - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-05 00:26 | 301 bytes | link   Rate

Memorable moments from G20 summit evening gala - youarecorrect 09-04 15:38 | 314 bytes | link   Rate

'Heavenly Palace': The People's Republic to launch 2 manned space missions - khammani 09-04 07:42 | 4108 bytes | link   Rate

Asia Is a Growth Market for Military Aircraft - (it's about India & F-16) - cyber horse 09-02 12:24 | 5362 bytes | >> collapsed << +15   Rate

IQ has become racism.I suggest to replace IQ with'Attribute of social construct' - Pandagon C-in-C 09-04 00:03 | 2130 bytes | link   Rate

Honour Guard welcomes Canadian PM Justin Trudeau for state visit in Beijing - cyber horse 09-03 15:38 | 1169 bytes | img   Rate

Breakthrough as US and China agree to ratify Paris climate change deal - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-03 02:53 | 487 bytes | link   Rate

Something we forgot to cover:China-taliban talks - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-01 02:40 | 251 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

China Overtakes US in Scientific Articles, Robots, Supercomputers - rolf 09-01 10:01 | 122 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

China's 'Little Green Boats' Have Japan on Alert - cyber horse 08-31 10:20 | 3905 bytes | >> collapsed << +9   Rate

Detailing Russian Surface to Air Missile Coverage - khammani 08-30 16:45 | 6290 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Bomb blast at Chinese embassy in Kyrgyzstan - khammani 08-30 16:17 | 7516 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Suu Kyi shows she’s a dab hand at diplomacy with Beijing visit - cyber horse 08-29 15:23 | 5626 bytes |   Rate

Do U believe this?I've my doubt.Brzezinski urges the yanks to give up on empire - ChairmanMaoHamet 08-26 01:56 | 185 bytes | >> collapsed << link +16   Rate

China’s middle class is exploding - khammani 08-28 13:07 | 467 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Western diplomats said, Laos is shifting allegiances from China 2 Vietnam & US. - khammani 08-28 10:56 | 6808 bytes | link   Rate

North Korean missile - Khan 08-25 18:59 | 203 bytes | link   Rate

UK waitress killed in'Allah Arkbar'attack.Did she serve bacon/booze to muslims - Pandagon C-in-C 08-24 18:33 | 676 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Strange HK-lady - rolf 08-24 03:36 | 91 bytes | >> collapsed << img +13   Rate

Dawn of Euro-Jihad:Allah's Angelic Legions will pounce in Sept 2016 - Pandagon C-in-C 08-25 03:17 | 227 bytes | link   Rate

Why Germans told to stockpile food and water? - youarecorrect 08-23 10:06 | 688 bytes | >> collapsed << link +5   Rate

Massive leak of data on India's Scorpene subs - BBC 08-24 03:02 | 195 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

The People's Republic draws a red line for Japan.SDF dispatch 2 SCS RED LINE - khammani 08-23 13:32 | 4584 bytes | link   Rate

Allah's Plan?Muslim bashing is a firestorm&some muslims throw napalm to the fire - ChairmanMaoHamet 08-22 07:57 | 313 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

INDIAN PILOTS GROUNDED FOR MISTAKING ROAD FOR RUNWAY - sinbad 08-22 05:43 | 5484 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

US considering "No First Use" nuclear policy. - Canis Majoris 08-22 04:51 | 252 bytes |   Rate

Beijing 'hinted at military action' against Japan over South China Sea dispute - khammani 08-21 10:52 | 659 bytes | >> collapsed << link +5   Rate

Why Is China Building A New City In Georgia? This is a 3-page article - khammani 08-21 10:16 | 1209 bytes | link img   Rate

Astrologers are applied'psychologists'who make money saying things Uwant to hear - Pandagon C-in-C 08-20 19:29 | 3181 bytes | >> collapsed << link +14   Rate

Does China have licenced production of NK-12 engines? - -Corsair- 08-20 22:36 | 137 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

China's 27th Type 056 Corvette (Jiangdao class) Huai'an Commissioned in PLAN Eas - -Corsair- 08-20 22:37 | 249 bytes |   Rate

He discovered that he could make a nice living by saying nasty things - rolf 08-20 01:58 | 479 bytes |   Rate

The anniversary of an ancient saint,crucifed by romans&had Augustine as disciple - Pandagon C-in-C 08-17 16:04 | 987 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Putin’s Army Demands ‘NATO Soldiers! Hands Up! Lay Down Your Weapons!’ - khammani 08-19 10:26 | 5774 bytes | link   Rate

Baffling;to rival china,bharat needs foren small arms,like handguns... - Pandagon C-in-C 08-17 09:20 | 679 bytes | >> collapsed << link +11   Rate

Here Comes China's First Homebuilt Aircraft Carrier - khammani 08-18 17:47 | 1006 bytes | link   Rate

‘Shadow Brokers’ Claim to be Selling NSA Malware - cyber horse 08-18 07:25 | 6809 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

United States’ first ‘smart’ nuclear bomb - khan 08-17 18:38 | 297 bytes | link   Rate

Chinese athletes were cheated out of 10 medals - rolf 08-17 07:18 | 177 bytes |   Rate

Kham,u're indispensible to this forum.Other CMFers sure share the same feeling [no text] - Pandagon C-in-C 08-15 18:12 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Dude, that is a Chinese J10 RC Model!!! [no text] - BBC 08-15 17:30 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Story of An "Ugly" Chinese girl became international Super Model: Lv Yan - RedBrigade 08-12 10:23 | 9142 bytes | >> collapsed << img +6   Rate

China’s Latest Leap Forward Isn’t Just Great—It’s Quantum - cyber horse 08-15 10:54 | 6675 bytes |   Rate

Nice Russian jet-dance - rolf 08-15 05:20 | 43 bytes |   Rate

In Case you are visiting North Korea try out these Top picked resturants!!! - RedBrigade 08-14 05:48 | 286 bytes | >> collapsed << +9   Rate

Anyone here goes to Weibo and other Chinese sites? - Khan 08-13 18:32 | 5437 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

Corsair,my replies to some of your posts.. - Pandagon C-in-C 08-08 00:34 | 913 bytes | >> collapsed << link +5   Rate

Imam, friend fatally shot after leaving NYC mosque and they are now dead - khammani 08-13 16:52 | 522 bytes | link   Rate

Why not ban science fiction? Many are 'racist' in a boarder sense - Pandagon C-in-C 08-12 22:37 | 366 bytes | link   Rate

中國真的在乎釣魚島主權嗎 - Khan 08-12 19:58 | 21.3 KB | link   Rate

Radiation Can Kill, but Not as Easily You Think - cyber horse 08-12 15:24 | 5392 bytes | img   Rate

Russia Plans To Make An Entire City Vanish For A Military Exercise - cyber horse 08-11 15:23 | 1698 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Type-96B tank, 056 corvette variant and others. - Palembang 08-11 04:43 | 93 bytes | link   Rate

US Navy's Railgun Dream Could Be Denied By Two Big Problems - Khan 08-10 18:19 | 11.4 KB | link   Rate

Fears grow Russia is using Ukraine battlefield rehearse for war with the West - cyber horse 08-10 15:27 | 3108 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

China's Marshall Plan - cyber horse 08-10 14:01 | 3049 bytes | img   Rate

China's Hybrid Spaceplane Could Reset The 21st Century Space Race - popsci - cyber horse 08-10 05:36 | 276 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Flag flub could have been avoided - Khan 08-09 18:52 | 9726 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

I'm sitting here in the Taoyuan airport air lounge staring at a large map of - Canis Majoris 07-31 22:07 | 124 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

Is It Really Fair... - Khan 08-09 19:56 | 502 bytes | link   Rate

Inside the System - Khan 08-09 19:55 | 209 bytes | link   Rate

More secure for all - Khan 08-09 18:14 | 25.8 KB | link   Rate

Man saves neighbors from fire, 98 percent of skin burnt - Khan 08-09 18:10 | 6870 bytes | link   Rate

Coolest PC games coming soon on : Ancient China!!! - RedBrigade 08-09 15:14 | 1019 bytes | link img   Rate

U can take courses on'Game ofThrones'@US college but grade10algebra not required - Pandagon C-in-C 08-05 06:56 | 643 bytes | >> collapsed << link +14   Rate

Scientists Warn of Extraterrestrial Danger - swoosh 08-08 15:18 | 19.4 KB | link   Rate

Australian media distorts truth of S.China Sea disputes - rolf 08-07 05:03 | 1704 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Adult(born 1896&1996) Mean height - ChairmanMaoHamet 07-26 04:19 | 890 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

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