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What is Really Happening in the South China Sea? – James O’Neill - q4 04-27 14:05 | 17.7 KB | >> collapsed << +13   Rate

US is enforcing funny rule of the sea to help its lap dog. - franklau 04-28 00:34 | 559 bytes |   Rate

Yes, Chinese women say, dating foreign guys is “dangerous,” but not in the - cyber horse 04-27 14:50 | 6391 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Former ASEAN Secretary-General Ong Keng Yong said he was surprised - khammani 04-26 16:59 | 4939 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Chinese Hypersonic Weapons Development - khammani 04-26 14:13 | 28.3 KB | >> collapsed << link img +4   Rate

Will Indians ever stop practicing its stone-age culture? - khammani 04-25 13:58 | 333 bytes | >> collapsed << link +9   Rate

2016 New Monkey King Movie: (Hurry! before youtube takes it down) - RedBrigade 04-25 12:01 | 191 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Women's Safety Spurs India to Require Mobile-Phone Panic Button - sinbad 04-25 10:48 | 9808 bytes |   Rate

The People's President Xi Jinping will be attending ASEAN summit in Laos - khammani 04-24 17:16 | 624 bytes | link   Rate

China's 500ton thrust kerosene-LO rocket engine might b test fired later this yr - InTheNameOfJesus 04-24 00:02 | 366 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

25th april is the 170th anniv of US-mexico war - Mao Clone 04-23 09:29 | 141 bytes | >> collapsed << link +6   Rate

How the saudis would retaliate if obama discloses their 9/11 links? - InTheNameOfJesus 04-23 14:01 | 505 bytes | link   Rate

Chairman Mao would be kind enough to forgive this female doctor? - khammani 04-23 03:58 | 387 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

Scam Capital: India - RedBrigade 04-22 11:21 | 716 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

6 billion africans?My soln1)Africans colonise europe2)Europe re-colonises africa - Mao Clone 04-22 23:57 | 257 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Memri video:Egyptian nazi party.Typical3rd world aphrodisiac to'racial'impotence - Mao Clone 04-21 22:18 | 253 bytes | >> collapsed << +14   Rate

The excessive use of chemicals on Chinese banana plantation in Laos - khammani 04-21 15:17 | 5946 bytes | >> collapsed << link +8   Rate

30 suspects of shoothing Chinese passenger bus in Laos was apprenhended - khammani 04-21 15:11 | 3953 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +1   Rate

The People's Republic tests New Multiple Warhead Missile - khammani 04-21 15:34 | 2901 bytes | link   Rate

Hail Bharat!What a great day it'll be.1st LCA squadron to b formed onJuly1st2016 - Mao Clone 04-19 19:51 | 1798 bytes | >> collapsed << link +23   Rate

A nice 3D model of Liaoning carrier - GreenMonk108 04-20 16:34 | 147 bytes | link   Rate

Code spy sentenced to death - rolf 04-19 10:38 | 4606 bytes |   Rate

To biologists:Is it possible to create a cavity between the lower openning - Mao Clone 04-18 22:34 | 476 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

Race for Latest Class of Nuclear Arms - khan 04-19 01:22 | 43.5 KB | link   Rate

shocking video : Bulldozers battle it out on Chinese street as rival firms clash - cyber horse 04-18 15:35 | 1418 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

U.S. protests China's use of military jet - khammani 04-18 12:35 | 197 bytes | link   Rate

The next "China"? - Khan 04-17 02:13 | 183 bytes | >> collapsed << link +14   Rate

Cameroon youth must learn Chinese language. - khammani 04-17 17:28 | 14.5 KB | link   Rate

Russian pilots demonstrated high professional skills - rolf 04-15 06:29 | 679 bytes | >> collapsed << +21   Rate

"Humanity,"TS Eliot wrote,"cannot bear much reality."--The vagaries of PPPee - ChairmanMaohamet 04-15 10:52 | 14.8 KB | link   Rate

US an Phillipines to start joint naval patrols in SCS - T 04-14 06:04 | 78 bytes | >> collapsed << +17   Rate

How China’s fishermen are fighting a covert war in the South China Sea - cyber horse 04-13 12:36 | 9555 bytes | >> collapsed << +10   Rate

China railway links Ethiopia to Red Sea. - Palembang 04-13 05:59 | 173 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Bharat to buy F-18?If so,F-18 may hav a longer operation history than B-52 - ChairmanMaohamet 04-12 19:06 | 781 bytes | >> collapsed << link +14   Rate

The People's Republic no longer accepts US as the primary strategic Power in - khammani 04-13 14:49 | 9131 bytes | link   Rate

Question2biologists:Is it possible to engineer a nu porcine-origin species1)with - Mao Clone 04-11 19:07 | 19.0 KB | >> collapsed << link +6   Rate

Air India plane falls from a crane, nobody injured - sinbad 04-11 19:52 | 4632 bytes | link   Rate

Another round of yellow-peril mongering?US naval officer accused of spying4china - ChairmanMaoHamet 04-10 19:33 | 345 bytes | >> collapsed << link +6   Rate

OT: If you live in the US, please read this and consider donating to 80-20. - Canis Majoris 04-04 07:53 | 2811 bytes | >> collapsed << +10   Rate

Is afganistan falling?Soldiers deserting?How china could prepare IMO - ChairmanMaohamet 04-11 05:15 | 654 bytes | link   Rate

167 refit in progress: - -Corsair- 04-10 10:13 | 127 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

1200 Qatar Soccer World Cup workers died ? - ChairmanMaohamet 04-08 19:03 | 1124 bytes | >> collapsed << link +10   Rate

Nah, here is the real music just forward to 0:39 then keep listening. I don't - khammani 04-08 17:20 | 261 bytes |   Rate

it took the hindus10yrs to refit a Kilo sub?Wat happened?BioMass reactor leaked? - Mao Clone 04-07 19:41 | 769 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Weekend music: Chinese Battle Music - RedBrigade 04-08 07:51 | 799 bytes |   Rate

Sipri interactive map of mil spendings of nations.China at1.9%GDP<world average - ChairmanMaoHamet 04-08 01:45 | 742 bytes | link   Rate

In HK yrs ago,one could buy neutered chickens.Saudi castrated black slaves - ChairmanMaoHamet 04-04 22:10 | 224 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

China's 'Great Firewall' blocks its creator - cyber horse 04-06 14:16 | 1658 bytes |   Rate

The People Republic said that the White looking baboon Trump-Trash is hired - khammani 04-06 13:26 | 195 bytes | link   Rate

100 chinese big ticket projects in the next 5 yrs - UttarBalderdeshi 04-05 18:45 | 9678 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

I found an interesting biographic movie on christopher Isherwood&pre-nazi berlin - UttarBalderdeshi 04-05 19:27 | 789 bytes |   Rate

India eyes Russian aircraft carrier as its 4th step towards super power status - ChairmanMaoHamet 04-05 09:58 | 8669 bytes | >> collapsed << link +8   Rate

Vietnam War at 50: Have We Learned Nothing?--by Ron Paul - ChairmanMaoHamet 04-04 21:32 | 4130 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

My recent exchange with a TIer and a Jap apologist - Khan 03-29 19:31 | 65.0 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Remember the Wehrmacht: Not Hollywood version - RedBrigade 04-04 12:12 | 716 bytes |   Rate

Unlike Russia and China, the US needs “to be in three places at once” - Canis Majoris 04-04 05:27 | 5484 bytes |   Rate

Defense Officials Tell Congress Rules of Cyber Warfare Far From Settled - Canis Majoris 04-04 05:23 | 5084 bytes |   Rate

This looks like Europeans are tired of being killed by Muslims. They finally - khammani 04-03 17:46 | 367 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +8   Rate

Panama Papers: Mossack Fonseca leak reveals elite's tax havens - swoosh 04-03 15:07 | 33.8 KB | link   Rate

The finishing touch on DF-41 that can strike the United States - khammani 04-03 07:29 | 4953 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

US casts weary eye on Australian port leased by Chinese firm. - Palembang 04-03 05:31 | 328 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

The People's Liberation Army is too big and too tall for outdated tanks? - khammani 04-03 07:04 | 445 bytes | link img   Rate

The South China Sea Arsenal - Popular Science - cyber horse 04-02 19:15 | 188 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

The China-Russia alliance is in full bloom- if you know where to look. - Palembang 04-02 18:31 | 201 bytes | link   Rate

International Military Tribunal for the Far East - Khan 04-02 17:55 | 5781 bytes | link   Rate

The black african inside me rejoices with pride:Black Designed IQ Test Sample - UttarBalderdeshi 04-01 19:44 | 961 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

An innovative way to force the police to step up crime prevention surveillance4U - ChairmanMaoHamet 04-02 03:19 | 896 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

What capabilities should China's next-generation strategic bomber have? - Palembang 03-31 12:52 | 163 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

tonight's off topic entertainment - American politics sound bites - cyber horse 03-31 16:51 | 203 bytes |   Rate

It's not Rumsfeld's'Old Europe';how do u like the'New Europe'?inevitable I say - UttarBalderdeshi 03-30 11:14 | 468 bytes | >> collapsed << link +10   Rate

Patrolling disputed waters, US and China jockey for dominance - superblaser 03-30 19:19 | 5985 bytes | link   Rate

100th anniversary of the irish uprising - UttarBalderdeshi 03-30 00:02 | 2670 bytes | link   Rate

Not being victims of Japan - Khan 03-29 19:55 | 995 bytes | link   Rate

For Beijing, the tycoon class can never rise above the party - Khan 03-25 20:40 | 19.7 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

4-year-old girl beheaded in Taiwan knife attack - khammani 03-29 17:13 | 187 bytes | link   Rate

In my opinion, India still has a long, long way to assume the so-called - khammani 03-29 14:51 | 1156 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

5 Robot Trends(Chinese robots,delivery drones...) to Watch for in 2016 - UttarBalderdeshi 03-28 22:27 | 10.5 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Hail Bharat!I found something amazing:The hindu army officers are very well paid - UttarBalderdeshi 03-28 10:56 | 1068 bytes | >> collapsed << link +15   Rate

Taiwan Navy Emphasizing Domestic Shipbuilding Program - Canis Majoris 03-28 07:18 | 274 bytes | >> collapsed << +6   Rate

Hindu airforce wading in the abode of their gods - UttarBalderdeshi 03-28 05:23 | 6345 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Trump could provide the golden opportunity for'Oil Yuan'if he means wat he says - ChairmanMaoHamet 03-28 01:08 | 657 bytes | link   Rate

China offers $11.5 billion in loans, credit to 5 Mekong River nations - khammani 03-27 18:33 | 3141 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

8 types of chinese earth penetrators - ChairmanMaoHamet 03-27 01:17 | 10028 bytes | link   Rate

You will be alright Officer Liang. It is almost over already.Just hang in there - khammani 03-26 18:13 | 570 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +2   Rate

'Comrades'who itch to become'Miss Tibet 2016' should hurry,<a week from deadline - ChairmanMaoHamet 03-25 16:53 | 1209 bytes | >> collapsed << link +7   Rate

Carrier fleet and strategic transport. - Palembang 03-25 16:46 | 83 bytes | link   Rate

bullsh!t time - Erik Prince in the Hot Seat - cyber horse 03-25 15:32 | 389 bytes | link   Rate

PRC economy 2015 (Preliminary report) - ChairmanMaoHamet 03-25 13:50 | 176 bytes | link   Rate

Improved China – Russia Relationship is a Marriage of Convenience - Canis Majoris 03-25 06:27 | 321 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Tower-block fire - Khan 03-24 20:37 | 9773 bytes | link   Rate

Last year,the People Republic launched its 1st communication satellite 4 Laos - khammani 03-23 17:41 | 698 bytes | >> collapsed << img +3   Rate

Wing Loong - superblaser 03-24 16:45 | 560 bytes |   Rate

On the anniv.of jesus's resurrection,Question:Is(theMonotheistic)God a SithLord? - InTheNameOfJesus 03-24 16:31 | 2950 bytes |   Rate

The Flash War of '74: China and Vietnam's South China Sea Showdown - cyber horse 03-24 15:36 | 9973 bytes |   Rate

Obituary:The chief designer of J-10,Academian Sung Wencong, just passed away - ChairmanMaoHamet 03-22 09:47 | 321 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

China invents first deep learning processor chip. - Palembang 03-23 07:33 | 129 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

The People's Republic leaves little doubt who is master of the Mekong - khammani 03-23 18:09 | 235 bytes | link   Rate

6 Chinese wounded in bus shooting in northern Laos - khammani 03-23 18:02 | 109 bytes | link   Rate

Shen Long - superblaser 03-23 09:46 | 116 bytes |   Rate

America's South China Sea Fail - Peter Lee - cyber horse 03-21 15:40 | 13.5 KB | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

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