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Maranatha!!Jerry falwell's son wants students to carry guns'to end muslims' - InTheNameOfJesus 12-07 03:48 | 265 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

How is quality of Chinese semiconductors these days? - superblaser 12-05 22:01 | 130 bytes | >> collapsed << +12   Rate

Payoffs and Amnesty for Unit 731 Scientists - Khan 12-06 18:24 | 19.0 KB | link   Rate

Should the United States Use Treaties to Make the World “More Like Us”? - Khan 12-06 17:21 | 22.8 KB | link   Rate

WanWan trailer 軍中樂園--movie on prostitution catered to KMT army - ChairmanMaoHamet 12-06 03:22 | 198 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

The recent PLA300,000 cut is far from over.The future of armed forces is robotic - Mao Clone 12-05 12:37 | 411 bytes | link   Rate

its the 40th anniversary of UN resolution to equate zionism to racism - UttarBalderdeshi 12-04 00:35 | 664 bytes | link   Rate

HowTrump could deport illegal migrants xcept mobilising'whiteNationalist'militia - UttarBalderdeshi 12-03 23:26 | 1339 bytes | link   Rate

Commentaries on two recent PLAAF developments. - Palembang 12-03 17:42 | 195 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Document: Report to Congress on China Naval Modernization - Canis Majoris 12-03 05:31 | 245 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

PLA reforms put command efficiency first. - Palembang 12-03 04:28 | 199 bytes | link   Rate

One way to cut carbon emission is to ban(or @least limit)coal export world wide - Mao Clone 12-02 21:42 | 429 bytes | link   Rate

China Is Building The World's Second Stealth Air Force - cyber horse 12-02 14:57 | 2238 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

Jihad!MoreJihad!Muslims in switzerland will be fined US$10,000 for wearing burqa - Mao Clone 12-02 04:05 | 3607 bytes | link   Rate

Chinese eugenics from a yellow peril racist angle(means we're on the rite trak) - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-30 06:41 | 8784 bytes | >> collapsed << link +6   Rate

Russians WhitePhosphorus bomb ISIS.Chinese sites say those're eastern turkorists - Mao Clone 12-01 05:08 | 3773 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

中国上月成功试射全新反导武器 并非红旗19导弹 - Mao Clone 11-30 16:10 | 12.6 KB | link   Rate

New cutting edge earth-shaking weapon from India - bangbangbigelow 11-29 16:40 | 302 bytes | >> collapsed << +8   Rate

J-20 prototypes and maiden flights thus far. - Palembang 11-29 13:05 | 91 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Euro fascist VS islam civil war is nigh!Trojan Turkey(about to join EU)this time - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-29 21:33 | 462 bytes | link   Rate

Where'll ISIS attack next?My guess1)Carol choir2)Midnite Mass3)ShoppingMall - UttarBalderdeshi 11-28 19:51 | 784 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

China unveils ‘armed attack’ robots armed with guns and grenades - q4 11-28 14:28 | 283 bytes | link   Rate

As a fan of hindutwa(as longas confined2india)I suggest to courtmartial traitors - UttarBalderdeshi 11-28 14:11 | 3547 bytes | link   Rate

China's clone factory(to clone cows by the millions?) - Mao Clone 11-28 01:25 | 15.1 KB | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

ISIS propgandist hit by a SyrianArmy motar shell while doing a video,followed by - UttarBalderdeshi 11-28 09:12 | 230 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Seems the hindus refuse to promise carbon emission cutting - Mao Clone 11-27 21:45 | 910 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

new PLAN cable layer launched: - -Corsair- 11-27 16:52 | 14 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Possible future PLAN large replenishment ship - -Corsair- 11-27 16:35 | 0 bytes | img   Rate

If an Islamic State supporter on a terror watch list won a beauty contest - -Corsair- 11-27 13:30 | 400 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

How Su-24 co-pilot was rescued. - Palembang 11-27 11:14 | 227 bytes | link   Rate

My apology,hell,I forgot to post on'Miss tibet'2015(I cant find her vital stats) - Mao Clone 11-27 08:22 | 811 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

did Daesh create a three way war (3 cents time) - cyber horse 11-25 17:27 | 1230 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

U.S. AFRICOM Commander Confirms Chinese Logistics Base in Djibouti - Canis Majoris 11-26 08:07 | 3053 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Curiosity:Translationfor turkey(bird)1)火鸡inChinese2)'Hindi'inTurkish3)d'indi - Mao Clone 11-24 23:45 | 533 bytes | >> collapsed << +11   Rate

Russian warplanes bombed a Turkish truck convoy at the Syrian border, 7 killed - mike649 11-25 18:00 | 1478 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

NEW CHINESE LASER WEAPON STARS ON TV - bangbangbigelow 11-25 23:29 | 996 bytes |   Rate

Nature releases white paper—Turning Point: Chinese Science in Transition - bangbangbigelow 11-25 22:39 | 12.8 KB |   Rate

Asia'a largest underground railway station to open in Shenzhen. - Palembang 11-25 17:41 | 127 bytes | link   Rate

(Mind boggling)Q:Why's a begger not a millionaire?A:He/she doesnt spend like one - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-25 17:34 | 1938 bytes | link   Rate

Beijing's SanYuan bridge retrofit within 43 hrs - Mao Clone 11-25 01:55 | 177 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Looks like the(real) CZ-5 just rolled out - Mao Clone 11-23 15:00 | 3509 bytes | >> collapsed << link +10   Rate

Stop the drift - Khan 11-24 17:09 | 24.2 KB | link   Rate

Phuc Dat Bich - Khan 11-24 17:05 | 7744 bytes | link   Rate

Jihad!Jihad! MoreJihad! Hate crimes against muslims spiral in Limeyland&Frogland - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-24 09:58 | 715 bytes | link   Rate

Zhou Qunfei is the richest self-made female Billionaires in the world. - youarecorrect 11-24 05:26 | 381 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

China forces used flamethrower to hunt Xinjiang 'terrorists': army newspaper - cyber horse 11-23 17:15 | 2542 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

OMG,just what sex problems could do to a man1)Join ISIS - UttarBalderdeshi 11-23 08:41 | 1984 bytes | link   Rate

Its definitely a sign of chinese3rdworld backwardness;villagers lack aerodynamic - UttarBalderdeshi 11-22 19:25 | 826 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Paris attacks: Another false flag? Sifting through the evidence. - Palembang 11-21 15:18 | 221 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Interesting bollywood patriotic song'Son of India'(from movie of same title1962) - UttarBalderdeshi 11-21 21:08 | 1911 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

Construction of China's largest radio telescope enters final stage. - Palembang 11-22 05:48 | 145 bytes | link   Rate

Im quite convinced ISIS&US establishment are de facto allies&help each others' - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-20 08:28 | 1997 bytes | >> collapsed << link +15   Rate

China's new replenishment tanker. - Palembang 11-21 17:45 | 197 bytes | link   Rate

France and Russia got in way of attempt by Beijing to pay ransom - Khan 11-20 17:50 | 9194 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Three Chinese among at least 20 dead - Khan 11-20 17:57 | 19.9 KB | link   Rate

28 Eastern turkorists eliminated - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-20 09:45 | 127 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Syria air war: Russia rolls out its super fighter. - Palembang 11-20 05:45 | 264 bytes | link   Rate

Mali hotel attack takes 170 hostages, at least 7 Chinese - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-20 02:23 | 127 bytes | link   Rate

China Will Get Rich Before It Grows Old - Canis Majoris 11-17 09:06 | 15.4 KB | >> collapsed << +21   Rate

Russia and China sign $2 billion contract for delivery of 24 SU-35 fighters. - Palembang 11-18 17:34 | 221 bytes | >> collapsed << link +6   Rate

World's largest single silicon carbide mirror from Changchun Institute of Optics - bangbangbigelow 11-19 04:12 | 438 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

on the lighter side of things, who looks best in their APEC outfits? - cyber horse 11-18 17:47 | 587 bytes | link   Rate

Can PRCgov giv pension to1962hindu soldiers(or surviving spouses)who surrendered - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-18 14:46 | 535 bytes | link   Rate

China's two faces - Khan 11-17 18:24 | 16.9 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

1 cents here about the Paris attack - cyber horse 11-17 06:38 | 803 bytes | >> collapsed << +16   Rate

2003From the Onion"From this war(tokill Saddam),a million bin Ladens will bloom" - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-17 21:41 | 3221 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +1   Rate

Mice with two mums bred in China - Khan 11-17 17:15 | 11.7 KB | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Type-89 tank destroyers to be phased out. - Palembang 11-17 18:11 | 127 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

China nearly triples number of supercomputers, report says - superblaser 11-17 08:39 | 7926 bytes |   Rate

US 'stunned' by Port of Darwin sale to Chinese - Australian news - cyber horse 11-16 15:47 | 5196 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

Nov15 is the66anniv of the martyrdom of hindu hero Godse who rid bharat of gandi - UttarBalderdeshi 11-16 14:24 | 3134 bytes | >> collapsed << link +7   Rate

中国“高能电磁发射技术”研究,已经获得突破性进展 - Mao Clone 11-16 18:52 | 151 bytes | link   Rate

swede&german arsonists attacked muslim refugees(prior to friday13th) - UttarBalderdeshi 11-16 11:56 | 438 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

German metal workers union asked gov not to buy chinese bullet trains - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-16 03:23 | 5348 bytes | link   Rate

A 43 min. National Geographic video - rolf 11-15 23:58 | 140 bytes |   Rate

Naive question:How much xplosive at rite spots needed to blow up Eiffel Tower? - UttarBalderdeshi 11-15 19:14 | 697 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

I know it,I know it!Fri13th Paree Jihad was a consequence of froggie intolerance - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-15 07:38 | 1701 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

The wrong way for China to take off. - Palembang 11-14 18:28 | 266 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

Paris Attacks Kill More Than 100, Police Say; Border Controls Tightened - motif 11-13 15:13 | 5557 bytes | >> collapsed << link +9   Rate

Jews&arabs are children of the same God.Terrorism,hope for divine intervention - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-14 16:30 | 2724 bytes | link   Rate

ISIS communique claims Paris attack responsibility.Looks like they envy Binladen - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-14 01:31 | 3109 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Thoughts on the prospects of COMAC C919. - Palembang 11-13 09:07 | 161 bytes | >> collapsed << link +11   Rate

If Uve to defend something,call it'spiritual',like dalai says lama theocracy is - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-13 15:03 | 2871 bytes | link   Rate

Hollywood on the Yellow Sea. - Palembang 11-13 12:47 | 199 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Why the LCH is a sports car compared to the lumbering Z-10 - bangbangbigelow 11-12 22:20 | 179 bytes | >> collapsed << +7   Rate

Is the PLA making large number of droids? - superblaser 11-12 18:10 | 265 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Indonesia is the next challenger to Beijing in the South China Sea - superblaser 11-12 19:46 | 462.9 KB | link   Rate

Kufir police & migrants fought in Calais for 3 nights - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-12 11:37 | 149 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Chinese firm takes control of Gwadar Port free-trade zone in Pakistan - cyber horse 11-11 15:20 | 2879 bytes |   Rate

Alibaba breaks record with $9b sales in 12 hours on Singles' Day - youarecorrect 11-11 08:39 | 213 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Bush senior blames the neo-cons - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-11 12:29 | 199 bytes |   Rate

China-Thailand joint military exercise shows longtime U.S. ally Bangkok hedging - cyber horse 11-10 15:03 | 7414 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Remember turkey the'high income country in W.Europe'?Seems GDP/capita≈china's - UttarBalderdeshi 11-09 11:19 | 1305 bytes | >> collapsed << link +22   Rate

China raises 2015 solar installation target by 30% to 23.1 GW - Mao Clone 11-10 19:49 | 4108 bytes | link   Rate

'Britain First',a racist,royalist,anti-muslim party the BBC made a docu against - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-08 13:10 | 1494 bytes | >> collapsed << link +6   Rate

China exports drop3.6%(not unxpected)&imports drop16%(oil price crash?)yr on yr - Mao Clone 11-08 05:52 | 280 bytes | link   Rate

Starving chinese want WHO claim of cancer/red meat link revoked - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-05 04:10 | 103 bytes | >> collapsed << link +39   Rate

Indian caste system(even outside india)called 'a disease' worse than racism - UttarBalderdeshi 11-07 03:24 | 5820 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

China’s rise - Khan 11-06 17:05 | 11.1 KB | link   Rate

Im a dietary muslim&I avoid pork1)The spanish would say to hell with WHO cancer - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-06 08:08 | 229 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Cute ISIS jehad toddler with teddy bear - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-06 07:25 | 201 bytes |   Rate

US Warship freedom of navigation in Spratlys - sandakan 11-04 13:54 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +5   Rate

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