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Starving chinese want WHO claim of cancer/red meat link revoked - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-05 04:10 | 103 bytes | >> collapsed << link +5   Rate

Chinese Kilo shadows USS Ronald Reagan - Canis Majoris 11-05 06:14 | 4537 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

US Warship freedom of navigation in Spratlys - sandakan 11-04 13:54 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +11   Rate

China PLA afraid of ghost but believe evil - dafujian 11-04 14:02 | 99 bytes |   Rate

AlQaeda honcho Al-Zawahiri urges jihadis to unite against Russia,shiites,west - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-04 07:44 | 227 bytes |   Rate

It's your country, not mine? - Khan 11-03 17:10 | 10081 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

China responds to Philippine legal case..... - sandakan 11-03 13:12 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

An interesting encounter between an aussie cop and a burqa cladded muslim woman - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-03 06:28 | 299 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

No more needles - Khan 11-02 17:07 | 271 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Russian rocket engines(RD-180 the yanks stops buying)&chinese electronics swap? - ChairmanMaoHamet 11-02 17:45 | 3193 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Turkey is the next failed state in the Middle East by(zionist)David Goldman - Mao Clone 11-02 06:09 | 12.0 KB | link   Rate

Now the real motive of hi speed china-euro rail:Starving chicoms need food - Mao Clone 11-01 14:02 | 6228 bytes | >> collapsed << link +12   Rate

China's 13th Five Year Plan - sinbad 11-02 02:19 | 122 bytes |   Rate

South China Sea disputes......UN law of the sea. - sandakan 11-01 19:40 | 125 bytes | >> collapsed << img +4   Rate

ta ta ta ta - here come the C919 - youarecorrect 11-01 16:15 | 353 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

China plans world's most powerful particle collider - Mao Clone 11-01 05:29 | 5465 bytes | link   Rate

Chiang - Khan 11-01 01:39 | 270 bytes | >> collapsed << link +5   Rate

USS Lassen vs PLAN Lanzhou - predicate 10-30 19:14 | 144 bytes | >> collapsed << +18   Rate

The HolyProphet urged us to keep learning;how about learning a hindu xpression? - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-31 18:51 | 11.4 KB | link   Rate

Afgans are waiting to pour into europe - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-31 12:48 | 21.9 KB | link   Rate

China ends one-child policy - T 10-29 04:59 | 5596 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

We would not have this if we had Robert Mugabe as our CE - Khan 10-29 18:17 | 24.7 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Australia to conduct live fire exercise with Chinese navy despite tension in SCS - cyber horse 10-30 15:58 | 2029 bytes |   Rate

According2this hindu politician,ruling parties come&go:Congress⇒BJP⇒Cowgress - Mao Clone 10-30 14:48 | 4204 bytes | link   Rate

Allah be praised !! Bin Laden the humanitarian - Mao Clone 10-30 01:35 | 122 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

Indian navy on a friendly groping visit to S. Korea. - youarecorrect 10-29 13:24 | 490 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

Dealing with the rise of China - Khan 10-29 18:19 | 14.9 KB | link   Rate

Chinese popn might start declining after reaching 1.4 billion by 2020 - Mao Clone 10-28 09:32 | 4836 bytes | >> collapsed << link +7   Rate

3D Video of PLA Joint Forces action - BBC 10-29 02:14 | 191 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

J31 specs unveiled? - Mao Clone 10-29 08:03 | 4118 bytes | link   Rate

An update on the four PLAN Sovremenny class destroyers. - Palembang 10-29 06:14 | 197 bytes | link   Rate

Beijing's diplomacy, military build-up - Khan 10-29 01:22 | 9841 bytes | link   Rate

U.S. SCS FoN Missions Included Passage Near Vietnamese, Philippine Claims. - Canis Majoris 10-28 04:34 | 4324 bytes | >> collapsed << +6   Rate

Was that a kind of INSANE? Welcoming the enemy to kill our sailors? - .45 10-27 21:03 | 6447 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

Delhi police raided a S indian state(kerela)representative house over beef menu - Mao Clone 10-27 10:51 | 5310 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

US sailed an Arleigh Burke within 12 miles of one of the reclaimed Spratlys - T 10-26 20:03 | 40.7 KB | >> collapsed << link +38   Rate

As I said before,chinese are africans... - Mao Clone 10-26 23:39 | 4464 bytes | link   Rate

Kowtowing to Xi's plane - Khan 10-24 18:16 | 1606 bytes | >> collapsed << link +22   Rate

IMF predicts Saudi bankruptcy by2020if oil price stays low&can't cut expenditure - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-26 08:24 | 5766 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Its the moment I feel ashamed to be chinese maoist - Mao Clone 10-25 21:15 | 460 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

HinDUDstan surveillance cameras along sino borders fail to work - Mao Clone 10-24 01:53 | 4435 bytes | >> collapsed << link +3   Rate

Type 054/054A frigate series. - Palembang 10-22 10:00 | 299 bytes | >> collapsed << link +14   Rate

U've heard ''Cow Lives Matter',now'Sikh Lives Matter' - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-23 19:05 | 8386 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Wat caused siblings/husband-wife ptolemy-cleopatra rivalry?Premature ejeculation - Mao Clone 10-23 11:17 | 610 bytes | link   Rate

Andy Weir'The Martian'author on how science drove the plot&chinese space program - Mao Clone 10-22 11:53 | 507 bytes | >> collapsed << +8   Rate

Oct 23rd is Ashura 2015.I appeal to persian choreografers to make a dance of it - Mao Clone 10-22 19:11 | 201 bytes |   Rate

PLAN's three new fleet replenishment ships got their pennant numbers. - Palembang 10-21 17:37 | 91 bytes | link   Rate

Britain-and the West-have no right to lecture China. - Palembang 10-21 17:32 | 187 bytes | link   Rate

India must have overtaken China and is now going after US. - youarecorrect 10-21 08:27 | 499 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

China overtakes USA as global leader in built asset wealth - rolf 10-20 11:41 | 496 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

Tale from Bharat,the world's spiritual dharmic beef-free homeland - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-20 10:42 | 981 bytes | link   Rate

Sino-Limey the tables have turned. - Strangelove 10-20 04:18 | 6 bytes | >> collapsed << img +2   Rate

Did PLAN ever develop a single 57mm or 37mm gun? [no text] - -Corsair- 10-18 14:45 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

The future is feudalism: - -Corsair- 10-18 14:44 | 102 bytes | >> collapsed << +5   Rate

Koranic tradition revived?ISIS boys want michele obama captured&sold as slave - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-19 07:36 | 13.9 KB | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Water found on Mars&Movie'The Martian'could be just NASA PR ploy to get fundings - Mao Clone 10-16 00:36 | 261 bytes | >> collapsed << link +4   Rate

China tells US to fvck off over the SCS - Canis Majoris 10-15 10:52 | 8100 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

AidData dispels notions about China's motivation in aid to Africa - swoosh 10-16 06:36 | 6441 bytes | link   Rate

There Are More Poor People In America Than China - rolf 10-14 09:26 | 218 bytes | >> collapsed << img +8   Rate

Anyone has up-to-date news about - Khan 10-15 19:52 | 50 bytes |   Rate

Hungry chinese want more aussie beef - Mao Clone 10-14 20:11 | 6897 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Only 30% of the world now has a higher GDP per capita than China - rolf 10-14 09:02 | 629 bytes | >> collapsed << +1   Rate

Buddhist nun and 1 of her 2 monk husbands arrested for fraud&scam - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-14 00:27 | 738 bytes | link   Rate

Russia using electronic warfare to cloak its actions in Syria from Isis & NATO - cyber horse 10-13 15:50 | 4859 bytes |   Rate

Inside China’s plan to give every citizen a character score - Khan 10-10 19:35 | 12.9 KB | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

BS or real? PLAN ships on the way to syria to help fighting ISIS - Mao Clone 10-12 17:27 | 247 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

'Dr'Kalam wanted>200 LCA by 2010.Now HInduAF wants120 LCA by 2027 - Mao Clone 10-11 19:49 | 792 bytes | >> collapsed << link +11   Rate

America’s Fading Footprint in the Middle East - Khan 10-11 18:03 | 28.8 KB | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Why Beijing Isn't Backing Down on South China Sea - Khan 10-11 19:04 | 191 bytes | link   Rate

Survival strategy - Khan 10-11 18:47 | 15.5 KB | link   Rate

China's Mach 6 Hypersonic Drone Designs - GreenMonk108 10-11 13:26 | 193 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

How Banging Your Cousins Led to the Islamic State(with data&maps) - Mao Clone 10-10 19:30 | 13.5 KB | link   Rate

Terrorist attack on the kurds.The descendants of Saladin'll kick turkey ass Ubet - UttarBalderdeshi 10-10 14:02 | 1263 bytes | link   Rate

Today's the104thAnniv of the Oct10 Rev'n.1of the leaders was my HiSchool alumni - UttarBalderdeshi 10-09 20:01 | 406 bytes | link   Rate

(Every yr 100 people die)Hua Shan hiking - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-09 18:39 | 181 bytes | link   Rate

US vs China Stereotype Maps - Canis Majoris 10-07 22:30 | 0 bytes | >> collapsed << img +1   Rate

Cheap automation raises risk of ‘premature deindustrialisation’for nex gen - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-09 01:09 | 8212 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Afgan female rapper - InTheNameOfJesus 10-09 03:24 | 415 bytes | link   Rate

Another PS of yellow peril?Tsinghua U tops the World Rankings in engineering - UttarBalderdeshi 10-07 17:42 | 274 bytes | >> collapsed << link img +14   Rate

Father of a muslimOfficer of HinduAirforce killed by mob on rumor of beef eating - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-06 11:36 | 1069 bytes | link   Rate

Teaching ‘Western Values’ in China - Khan 10-05 18:08 | 24.1 KB | link   Rate

Troubles for the ‘China Model’? - Khan 10-05 18:06 | 14.4 KB | link   Rate

Chinese woman 1 of 3 Nobel Prize winners in Medicine. - CrackaAssQuacka 10-05 01:04 | 7166 bytes | >> collapsed << +2   Rate

港大教育學院副教授李輝:我比陳文敏的影響力高200倍 - Khan 10-04 19:14 | 6237 bytes | link   Rate

China would Never catch up with New European Fashion - RedBrigade 10-03 08:19 | 75 bytes | >> collapsed << img +15   Rate

44%of NCarolina republicans want to illegalise ISlam.72%said obama antiChristian - ChairmanMaoHamet 10-03 08:40 | 2340 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

China’s First Domestic Aircraft Carrier "Almost Certainly" Under Construction - Canis Majoris 10-01 12:17 | 5274 bytes | >> collapsed << +4   Rate

宣布免除穷国债务,习近平引发舆论海啸 - q4 09-30 01:56 | 523 bytes | >> collapsed << +3   Rate

CIA pulled officers from Beijing after breach of federal personnel records - cyber horse 09-30 15:50 | 4653 bytes |   Rate

Aping the Chinese education system - Khan 09-28 18:11 | 9469 bytes | >> collapsed << link +9   Rate

>4000Haj pilgrims killed in'stone the devil' stampede.Praise Allah I wasnt there - ChairmanMaoHamet 09-30 08:21 | 593.1 KB | link   Rate

Ryukyu people's protest at UN headquarter - franklau 09-29 17:41 | 155 bytes |   Rate

China defends actions of its envoy to Malaysia - sinbad 09-29 03:38 | 6250 bytes | >> collapsed << link +1   Rate

Blessed are the(8000 chinese UN) peacemakers,for they will be called sons of God - InTheNameOfJesus 09-29 09:52 | 6265 bytes | link   Rate

China might still have a chance - Khan 09-29 01:31 | 279 bytes | >> collapsed << link +2   Rate

Why academics say Chinese methods won't pay off in Western schools - Khan 09-28 18:09 | 12.0 KB | link   Rate

Of dinners and deals - Khan 09-28 18:03 | 15.4 KB | link   Rate

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