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已有 3722 次阅读2021-11-14 09:14 |个人分类:华人历史|系统分类:转帖-知识

it is about the late nineteenth century, when more than 98% of blacks voted for the Republican Party, the party abolished slavery and advocated black suffrage. Southern whites at the time were using various kinds of violent methods to intimidate black voters. Probably, this is what this cartoon refers to. It condemns late-nineteenth-century Southern white terrorism. That is what I read.


 Today, over 90% of blacks support the Democratic Party. This transformation took place between 1940 and 1970 (roughly). Due to the Civil Rights Movement, many Southern white racists jumped the ship to join the Republican Party. The two parties have completely traded their issues and places.

Transcribe From image:

"The Negroes of the South are free - free as air" , says the parliementary Waterson. This is the State a well known Democratic Organ of Tennessee, says, in huge capitals, on the subject:

Let it be known before the election that the farmers have agreed to spot every leading radical Negro in the county, and treat him as an enemy for all tiem to come.

The rotten ring must and shall be broken at any and all costs. The democrats have determined to withdraw employment from all enemies. Let this fact be known"

Of Course He wants to vote Democratic Ticket!

Democratic "Reformer"

"You are as free a air, ain't you ! Say you are, or i will blow your black head off "









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