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1852 Oong Arshowe

已有 1279 次阅读2023-4-12 11:35 |个人分类:华人历史|系统分类:转帖-知识


P340 Women's Journal 

Page 341
The absurdity and wickedness of the persecution of the Chinese in California, is thus shown by Charles W. Slack in the Commonwealth. 
Facts like these are worth more than abstract arguments. ‘‘We met Mr. Charles Arshowe, the well- known tea dealer, at the Mechanic's 
Exhibition, the other evening, with his two ac- complished daughters, all greatly interested in the various exhibits. Mr. Arshowe has been 
with us thirty years. He was one of first, if not the very first, Chinaman to engage in business in Boston. He was industrious, respectful 
and patient, and he prospered. In time he married a worthy German lady, and a beautiful family grew up around him. He settled down
 in Maplewood, Malden, where he has a fine estate. His first sorrow came with the death of his wife, not long since. His daughters 
have been finely educated, and are the ornaments of their society. Is not all this creditable to our institutions and a burning rebuke
 to such blatherskites as Kearney, who rant that ‘‘the Chinese must go?” By the way, Mr. Arshowe is to leave his home on the fifteenth 
inst., and will sail from New York, Nov. 1st, for China, to be absent until July of next year. This is his first visit to his native land since 
he came to Boston, and the trip is made for business, pleasure and health combined. He will return by way of San Francisco, 
coming over the Union Pacific Railroad. The business ventures of Mr, Arshowe have needed partners, and he has had no
 difficulty in finding intelligent Americans willing to share with him comfortable profits.










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