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已有 687 次阅读2023-12-11 09:03 |个人分类:AI|系统分类:转帖-知识

Manners are often considered a reflection of a person's upbringing, cultural background, and education level. Good manners generally involve showing respect, consideration, and politeness toward others. Here's how manners can be connected to one's class and education level:

  1. Upbringing and Family Background:

    • Manners are often instilled during childhood through parental guidance. Families that prioritize manners and etiquette may pass these values on to their children, influencing their behavior as they grow.
  2. Cultural Influence:

    • Manners can vary across different cultures, and what is considered polite in one culture may differ in another. Education and exposure to diverse cultural norms can impact an individual's understanding and practice of manners.
  3. Education Level:

    • Higher levels of education can contribute to a person's awareness of social norms and expectations, including manners. Formal education may provide individuals with a broader perspective on societal etiquette.
  4. Social Awareness:

    • Education can enhance social awareness, helping individuals understand the impact of their behavior on others. People with higher education levels may be more attuned to social cues and expectations.
  5. Communication Skills:

    • Education often contributes to the development of effective communication skills. Manners play a significant role in communication, and individuals with higher education levels may be more adept at expressing themselves respectfully.

It's important to note that while manners can be influenced by education and upbringing, they are not the sole indicators of a person's character or intelligence. People from various backgrounds and education levels can exhibit good manners, and it's a complex interplay of factors that shape an individual's behavior. Furthermore, kindness, empathy, and consideration for others are values that can be present across all social classes and education levels.








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