

分享 麻省航海史1783-1860
MingHao 2023-4-12 07:52
"Since the opening years of the century, Perkins Co. had made a specialty of carrying Smyrna opium to Canton; so did Joseph Peabody and every Boston or Salem merchant who could get it." p277 https://archive.org/details/maritimehistoryo0000samu_s0c4/page/276/mode/2up?q=Chinese ...
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分享 Clipper Ship Owners Made Millions. Others Paid the Price.
MingHao 2022-9-23 12:29
Clipper ships traveled at blistering speeds but conditions on board were brutal, and opium was their most profitable cargo. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/news-clipper-ship-opium-trade-gold-rush
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分享 關喬昌(藍閣)與錢納利的藝術競争
MingHao 2022-9-23 11:28
一種特殊的中西繪畫交流形式 ——關喬昌(藍閣)與錢納利的藝術競争 http://www.icm.gov.mo/rc/viewer/10035/639
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分享 How the East India Company Became the World's Most Powerful Monopoly
MingHao 2022-9-23 10:05
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分享 How Opium Merchants Used Bankers, and Vice Versa
MingHao 2022-9-21 09:15
How Opium Merchants Used Bankers, and Vice Versa American Merchants and the China Opium Trade, 1800-1840 https://quixoticjoust.blogspot.com/2013/12/how-opium-merchants-used-bankers-and.html
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分享 美国政府解密档案(中国关系) 美国驻中国澳门领事馆领事报告(1849-1869 ...
MingHao 2022-9-16 11:52
美国驻中国澳门领事馆领事报告(1849—1869)是广西师范大学出版社所出《美国政府解密档案(中国关系)》系列丛书之一种。它由美国驻华大使馆美国教育交流中心收藏的缩微胶卷“Despatches from U.S. Consuls in Macao, China:1849-1869”复制整理影印而成。内容包括美国国务院于1849年至1869年收到的驻澳门领事发来的函件 ...
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分享 香港與19世紀美國對華貿易
MingHao 2022-9-15 13:19
香港與19世紀美國對華貿易 何思兵 第一次鴉片戰爭以後,香港開放為自由貿易港,逐漸取代廣州和澳門,成為華南對外貿易中心和南北貿易轉口港。加州淘金熱出現後,隨着香港與舊金山航運貿易的發展,香港迅速崛起為亞太地區貿易和金融中心,美國對華貿易公司紛紛在香港設立商務機構,使香港成為美國對華貿易樞紐港。本文 ...
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分享 Trading Freedom: How Trade with China Defined Early America
MingHao 2022-8-17 04:58
"Trading Freedom: How Trade with China Defined Early America"
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分享 Robert Bennett Forbes and the Bark Lintin: 1829-1832
MingHao 2022-8-13 03:41
https://www.forbeshousemuseum.org/opium-exhibition/zoom-talk-otis-edwards/ Otis Edwards 欧天思 The University of Hong Kong , History , Graduate Student +3 | Maritime History +4 Since arriving in Asia in 1989, ...
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