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热度 2已有 7451 次阅读2017-7-25 02:17 |个人分类:毛泽东|系统分类:时事



读过历史的应该知道, 这是毛泽东在1962年解放军横扫印度军之后发出的一句感叹。虽然毛泽东是解放军的缔造者,在听取了相关报告,了解到解放军在高原极为困难的条件下依然势如破竹,也不由得大赞。

当年,尼赫鲁执行前进政策,越过麦克马洪线,试图“清除”解放军据点. 国际舆论一致谴责中国侵略. 毛泽东说,与其让人无休止的谴责中国侵略,不如让他们看看如果中国真动起手来是怎么回事。接下来的就是历史。中国国际地位大增,第三世界小国纷纷投靠,美国反共斗士尼克松(后当选总统)也开始对中国、对毛泽东由衷钦佩,这才有后来的中美关系正常化。


“To move a mountain is easy, to move the PLA is hard. -- Mao Zedong”. This was the opening of my article here. Now you know, the PLA spokesperson was quoting Mao Zedong.

Why did he recite the quotation of Chairman Mao ?

Students of history should have known that Mao made that comment after the PLA annihilated the Indian forces in a single stroke in 1962. The founder of the PLA, while listening to reports of the army's earth-shattering performance on the high mountainous plateau under extreme conditions, Mao couldn't help admiring his own creation.

At the time, Nehru executed the so-called "forward policy". Indian forces crossed the McMahon line to clear PLA positions. International media condemned China as the aggressor. Mao said: "Rather than being constantly accused of aggression, it's better to show the world what really happens when China indeed moved its muscles." The rest was history. China enjoyed heightened international prestige, third world countries befriended the People's Republic. In the U.S., Richard Nixon, a renowned anti-communist, found new respect for the Middle Kingdom and fond admiration of the Chairman.  India's China War contributed significantly to the eventual normalization of US-China relations.

In 1962, thinking that Nehru had learned an adequate lesson, the victorious PLA withdrew and returned the captured Indian soldiers and equipment to India. Nehru soon died in self-inflicted humiliation. But the post-Nehru India continued its expansionist design for its neighbors as lebensraum. India annexed Sikkim, and placed the Bhutan leadership under its chokehold.

Emboldened by the inaction of China, Modi is now following Nehru's footsteps. Indian armed forces invaded China from Bhutan. Judging from the attitude of the Indian side, a war is inevitable. China's goal in the coming conflict should be freeing the people of Sikkim and Bhutan from the Indian yoke, and recovering Southern Tibet. Let's just hope that war will bring many years of peace with a more memorable lesson.








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