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病毒显然来自马里兰州德特里克堡的美国陆军生化武器实验基地,美国人如是说 ... ... . ...

已有 4962 次阅读2020-4-1 15:06 |系统分类:转帖--非原创请选择

视频下许多住在Maryland、Delaware 州的美国民众的评论描述从去年开始他們就有呼吸系統、肺炎等怪病等々一些美国人的真实狀況,他們去看医生,但医院、私人医生等都不告訴他們实情. 一个900人的军方生物武器试验基地被CDC关闭绝对不是小事,看附近的居民如是说。

看这视频下的附近居民的一个评论: Livin\'in Theloophole4 days ago
I live in Delaware.. right next to maryland. Like 1 mile.. in late November early December everyone around here had a horrible unnamed respiratory illness.去年的11月底12月初这里周围就有不明呼吸道疾病 Flu negative. My family had it.. almost killed my mother. Went to the drs 3 times had it for 21 days.. bad. It was not a normal flu and no dr could help.. everyone at my physical therapy place had it. For 3 weeks they all said drs couldn\'t pin point it. We all laughed at the unnamed respiratory illness and made jokes.. they had the same exact symptoms. The people at drug stores food store.. everyone in this little town had it. Right after wuhan got it. This has been my theory also. I figured we had it and it mutated in china and came.back. 我想我们先有了它和在中国病毒变异后回到了美国。 my mother has been isolated since then. So when we can see if she has antibodies we will know.. also they are flat out refusing to test us here. Like they dont want us to know.


" Despite the denied request, Chu and her team went ahead and ran the tests for coronavirus anyway starting on Feb. 25, sans approval from the government. It wasn’t long before a test from a local Washington teenager with no travel history came back positive for the virus. ...美国政府欲图掩盖拒绝了CHU医生和她团队的要求,但是他们还是测试到了一个没有旅行史少年的病毒呈阳性 “Even after she reported the results, the federal government tried to stop her with a cease and desist,” Ding said. " - https://mynorthwest.com/1758762/coronavirus-washington-seattle-flu-study/?

Why they don't expand the testing capacity in Delaware and Maryland? I can see so far in Delaware: 119/155 (positive rate 77%); Maryland: 423/517 (positive rate 82%). (5天前)地拉威尔测试阳性占77%,马里兰测试阳性占82%。They all talking about how New York has been hitten the hardest, meanwhile the positive rate is much lower compared to these two: 30,811/103,479, the positive rate only 29%. https://covidtracking.com/data/

Esther Batycki
1 week ago (edited)
Glad I found this video! Was searching for information for a couple of days now! My hunch is that this thing has been around longer than the Wuhan outbreak 直觉是这传染病在这里存在比武汉爆发更久because many people I know went to the doctor for pneumonia last year but the doctor just shrugged and said they didn't know what it was, all tests came back negative. I had the exact same symptoms last year, and it definitely wasn't a cold or flu, or anything I've felt before. You could have also mentioned that Italian doctors noticed severe pneumonia as early as October but didn't know the cause,意大利医生们注意到严重的不明肺炎早在10月份开始 and they can't test for something they don't know. Then when I looked up the symptoms of vaping related illness they were almost exactly the same. I don't deny that there were some shady products on the market harming people, but it might have been masking the problem of a spreading infection at the same time.
I also think vapers were more likely to get infected because they tend to share their vapes around - at parties they ask "hey what flavour is that, can I try yours?" etc

西方早就有anglo-saxon mission。 以下是关于投毒中国的片段。现在也正如所预言的一样病毒反筮西方。








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