How come no one talks about ORC rights? They are targets of racism&slanders


09/10/2015, 07:14:58

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OK, they're different but so are muslims, europeans, asians, mormons... and wat not..

1)they've a different kind of diets, from various sources gathered, humans, other homo species like dwarves and even their fellow orcs... top their menu. But that's no big deal; jews, hindus, muslims all have their own dietary preference. They're the perfect ethnic group to set up funeral biz.

2)Genders and reproduction issues. Sure we dont know much about their sexuality but in this age of sexual/marriage equality, I cant see any big issues

3)Seems they ain't  too fond of medicare and thats a problem(many of them look like have urgent need of plastic surgery)...Will  obamacare cover them?

4)How would govts react to flooding of orcs migrants from like inside their own bushes and caves?


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