The old saying that"the West/Japs too despise us when we were weak and now hate us because we are strong "is all too real.As the only non-whites on the UNSC -P5 and a great power economically and militarily it rankles the whites-Anglosphere especially that now they're decliniing and I am NO loud mouth empty headed chest beater screaming "supapowa"every minute like some demented dramaqueen.!20 years ago the Boxer's leaders fooled the Empress by using blanks to announce that the white invaders were impotent and we paid for this historic foolishness with so much blood,treasure and loss of civilizational momemtum and face -Chinese STILL haven't fully recovered from this "century of Humiliation".I pray and hope that Chineses leaders everywhere will embrace and use arch realism combined with their pragmatism,intelligence and toughness and civilizational/cultural strength to see ALL of us Chinese through this looming crisis -it will be big but as long as we don't fall for foolish ploys(Pearl Harbour type stupidity etc) we will be alright and may even come through this stronger ,better and wiser.BTW the Japs are just waiting for something to erupt and believe me -those murderous wako will love to land another East Asian Peacekeepers under the guise of the U.N on Chinese soil again.Hell i'll go and fight before I see another Rape of Nanking or 3All campaign.