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Jesus was black
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06/25/2020, 13:58:19

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Looks like a white nationalist reaction to"White Jesus is racial Oppression"    https://nypost.com/2020/06/23/now-theyre-coming-for-jesus/

Sample below from https://www.amazon.com/Jesus-was-Black-Jew-Inconvenient-ebook/dp/B01LWQHSFO#reader_B01LWQHSFO

Jesus was a Black Jew:

an Inconvenient Truth


Judeo-Christianity’s Shameless Cover up



“Nevertheless, what saith the Scripture?”  Galatians 4:30




James H. Warden, Jr.



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This book uses the King James Version of the Bible and some quotations from the New International Version.


Introduction to Jesus’ Black Heritage……………………………5

The Lion of the Tribe of Judah’s Foundational Lineage……………7

Bloodlines Involved in Producing the Messiah……………………..8


Chapter One

Five Black Women in Jesus Christ’s Lineage……………………....9

Rahab the Canaanite Ancestor of Jesus Christ…………………….13

Lot’s Sodomite-Canaanite Wife was Grandmother of Moabites…..19

Lot’s Wife & Half-Black Daughter in Christ’s Moabite Ancestry...21

David Believed His Seed Would Pass as that of a Black Man’s…..27

God’s Self-Disclosure Though “I am black” Statements……….…35


Chapter Two

The Bible’s Description of Jesus Christ………………………...41

What Think Ye of Christ?  What Color is He? ………………..43

The 7 Times God Attempted to Bring a Dark Skin Messiah...45

A Sex Crime Influenced the Coming Messiah’s Color……………47

Ham’s Cursed Canaanites are in Jesus’ Ancestry…………………49


Chapter Three

David Believed His Seed Would Pass for Black ……….…………60

Black Blood in the Tribes of Israel……………….………………..65

What Color was Jesus the Christ?………………………………….69

Kidnapped Black Virgins Saved Benjamin’s Tribe from Extinction…….75


Chapter Four

Types and Shadows of Christ’s Color in Scripture………………..77

Types & Shadows of the Color of the Bride of Christ………..79

Introduction to Jesus’ Black Heritage


“It is Evident that Our Lord Sprang out of Judah of which Tribe Moses spake….”  Hebrews 7:14


“What think ye of Christ?  Whose son is he?”  Matthew 22:42


Jesus was a direct descendant of three Hebrews; Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob whose fourth son was named Judah father of the Jews, from whom they take their name. And Jesus the Christ/Messiah is called the “Lion of the tribe of Judah.”  In the beginning, the book of Genesis discloses that the father of the Black race was Ham, and “Ham was the father of Canaan”; Noah’s grandson he cursed for doing something “unto him” (Gen 9:24-27; Prov 26:2). Judah dwelled in the land of Canaan so named after Ham’s cursed son, and it was there he fell in love and married a Canaanite native to that land and had three sons by her.  This was the historical beginning of the tribe of Judah; as being half-black tribe a Semitic and black Canaanite blend.

       According to the Bible, Judah, the tribal father of modern day Jews of Jewry, began his love life and family with a black woman in the land of Canaan where his great grandfather Abraham was commanded to live apart from all his Shemite/Semitic relatives (Gen 12:1). “And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her.” (Gen 38:2)  The phrase “went in unto her” is the King James Bible’s way of stating that Judah made love to this black Canaanite. The next verse reveals the fruit of this union of this first Jew with his black female love from a cursed tribal people that produced their half-black half-Jewish love child.  “And she conceived, and bare a son; and he called his name Er.”  (Gen 38:2) To many Jews this is an inconvenient truth few of them willfully acknowledge that being a being descendant of tribe of Judah, as a Jew, began as a half-Canaanite tribe heritage.

       Judah, the father of Jews, mixed his seed with one of Ham’s cursed descendant’s, a Canaanite.  The Canaanites were from a low tribe of black people whose father, Canaan, Noah cursed; thus distancing them from the Ham’s others sons for what he did to Noah while the former Ark builder was drunk years after his famous voyage. Canaan means low and he proved worthy of his name and so did his people the Canaanites. Ironically, noble Jewish males kept infusing Canaanite blood into Jesus' lineage by their love from the black women of the land of Canaan.  This book traces the biblical history of the lineage of Christ with all the various black blood infusions in this lineage of the Jew’s rejected Messiah, Jesus the Christ.

       Jesus was hung a tree crucified as accursed with a sign over His head that eerily prophesied “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews”. Jesus was Jew from this half-Jew and half-black Canaanite tribe that had multiple infusions of more black blood into His Jewish heritage according to the record in Scripture.  However, due to the racism that has affected humanity in making Africa and blacks a byword to all nationalities, the fact that Jesus had multiple infusions of black blood in his heritage as a Jew is currently an inconvenient truth among the Judeo-Christians circles who shameless attempt to silence this matter as it is revealed in “the Scripture of truth.” 

        Lest we forget, Christianity was in Africa before Paul took it to Europeans and  over 600 years before Islam became a religion with Muhammad as its prophet. Christianity was in Africa before one white missionary preached its good news there. Christianity’s Jewish Messiah was born on land formerly called Canaan that was  owned and occupied by black people called Canaanites. “And Ham was the father of Canaan.” (Genesis 9:24) And “Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite, whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her…. And she conceived, and bare a son; and he called his name Er. And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name Onan.”And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; and called his name Shelah:” (Gen 38:2-5)

       The evidence shows that the tribe of Judah began as half-black tribe of Jews.  The father of the tribe of Judah later had twins by another black women that he found in a Philistine town of Timnath. He thought she was a black woman in this district in the land of Canaan that Ham’s blacks descendants by Philistim called Philistines occupied and he paid a price to have sex with her and she father half black twins by this father of the Jews to be coveredlater.  Hence, children all five of Judah’s sons who were to carry forth the tribe of Judah began as half-black men whose mothers were natives of the landland of Canaan. When you share this Bible based information people you may have to ask them what Paul asked the Galatians, “Shall I become your enemy because I tell you the truth?” (Gal 4:16)  Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, was foreordained in the plan of God that He would originate from the tribe of Judah whose the foundation began half-black and half-Jewish. “That it is evident that our Lord sprang out of the tribe of Judah.” (Hebrews 7:14)


The Lion of the Tribe of Judah’s Foundation



                 Mankind’s Start After the World Flood Through Noah’s sons









Judah married a Canaanite and had 3 sons by her and twins by another. “It is evident that our Lord sprang from Judah.” Hebrews 7:14



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Chapter One:


Five Black Women in Jesus Christ’s Lineage from Harlots to Queens with Biblical Genealogical Charts


There are five black women in Jesus Christ’s lineage that had peculiar sexual histories. When history shakes Jesus Christ’s family tree females that were fornication suspects, prostitutes, pretend prostitutes, by-products of incest, adulteresses, or under the suspicion of adultery fall out. Everyone falls out of the Lord’s family tree except white people. The following are biblical accounts of the black women in Christ’s family tree: Tamar, Lot’s wife and half-black daughter that produced Ruth, Rahab the harlot, and Bathsheba the Gilonite wife of  a Canaanite. Many Caucasian theologians keep silent the amount of black blood that is in Jesus’ lineage while not a drop of Caucasian blood from Japheth’s lineage flowed in the Jewish Messiah’s ancestry. The following show four direct infusions of black blood ties in Israel’s Messiah’s lineage.             


The Founding Mothers of the Tribe of Judah were Black

Excluding the virgin Mary, it is interesting that the four other  women listed in the who’s who lineage of Jesus Christ were black having roots in Ham’s lineage. Since “it is evident that our Lord sprang out of [the tribe of] Judah from whence we get the word Jew. This tribe was founded by Jacob’s fourth son Judah that married a Canaanite, a descendant of the cursed tribe of black people. Knowledge of this inconvenient truth is suppressed by most Caucasian theologians. It is found in Genesis 38:2 “And Judah saw there a daughter of a certain Canaanite whose name was Shuah; and he took her, and went in unto her. And she conceived, and bare a son; and his name was Er. And she conceived again, and bare a son; and she called his name Onan. And she yet again conceived, and bare a son; and called his name Shelah [Saul].”

     Few pastors regardless of their color proclaim the truth that Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, came from its tribe’s founder who loved a black woman, married her, and sired three half-black sons by her to carry forward his tribe. Judah had two other sons by another black woman, one through whom King David descended. The life of Judah, founder of this Hebrew tribe “from whence our Lord sprang”, reads like a cheap romance novel. Judah was the father of the tribe of Judah. With the exception of Judah’s sister Dinah and his only niece, no Hebrew or Semite women were in the land of Canaan. Therefore, Judah and his brothers had only female descendants of Ham primarily through Ham’s son Canaan with which to mate and marry. According to the book of Jasher, Levi and Issachar went “to the land of the east” and found wives, while Gad, Naphtali, and Asher went to Haran and took Shemite wives, but their children married African women in the land of Ham (Jasher 45:9-21; Gen 46).


The Seed of David Came by Tamar the Canaanite Sexual Seduction of Judah               

Before the Law of Moses forbade Hebrews to marry black women of Canaan, Judah married a Canaanite woman. According to Jewish custom, Er, Judah’s firstborn son, stood to inherit a double portion of his father’s fortune. While in the land of Canaan married to a Canaanite, “Judah took a wife for Er his firstborn and her name was Tamar. And Er, Judah’s firstborn was wicked in the sight of the Lord; and the Lord slew him”  (Gen 38:6-7). According to custom, Judah took the widow of his firstborn named Tamar\Thamar and told his second born son, Onan, to impregnate her so she could raise a son to receive the doubled inheritance in the place of her dead firstborn husband, his elder brother. During intercourse while making love to his brother’s Canaanite widow, Onan employed the withdrawal method to “spill his seed on the ground”, so that the black widow would not be impregnated and the double portion inheritance would all be his  (Gen 38:8-9).

       This displeased the Lord, so He slew Onan too (Gen 38:10). Judah had lost two sons that were joined to this woman of Canaan so he, thinking her an ill omen whom he did not wish to risk his last son on, sent her to remain at her father’s house “Lest, he  die also, as his brethren did” (Gen 38:11). Judah’s youngest boy was too young to impregnate Tamar, so she returned  to her father’s house. Later, Judah’s Canaanite wife died and his half-black son, Shelah, came of age for Tamar’s impregnation. After losing two sons who  were  involved  with  this Canaanite, Judah would not let his daughter-in-law have his last son, so she came up with a shrewdly sinful idea (Gen 38:10, 14).             

       Since Judah refused to let  his youngest son  mate with Tamar, she decided to go for the big man himself. She disguised herself as a Philistine Temple Shrine prostitute in the Hamite-Philistines’ district of Timnath, situated herself in Judah’s path and the rest is Judaic history (Gen 38:15; Judg 14:1). Judah unknowingly impregnated Tamar. Later, he heard Tamar was pregnant out-of-wedlock, so he called the elders to come burn her with fire (Gen 38:24-27). When she produced Judah’s insignia ring and cane as the tokens used to purchase sex from her, he quickly dismissed her death sentence. This union of Judah the whoremonger and Tamar, the pretend prostitute, ultimately led to the virgin birth of the Son of God. This sexual comedy of errors climaxed centuries later, when Tamar’s deceitful prostitution plot resulted in Christ’s virgin birth (Matt 1:3).


A Black Prostitute From a Canaanite City

Next in line is a charming prostitute that God wove into Christ’s lineage using a scarlet thread.  Her starring role is played out in the Canaanite city of Jericho, and she is the Canaanite ancestor of Jesus Christ and her  name is…


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In the New Testament, a Jewish woman “played the whore” and Jesus saved her from stoning, but this was not the first time God saved a woman from death whose sexual practices violated His holy law. Who would have thought that a descendant of Ham, a black woman, in what has falsely been called the oldest profession in the world; prostitution, would be saluted as the 30 times repeated great grandmother of one born of a virgin? Rahab was an outcast of society because her scarlet sin, but God knitted this black harlot into Jesus Christ’s lineage using a scarlet thread. In biblical terms, Rahab was called a harlot the Old Testament’s word for whore. Today, she would be called a prostitute, hooker, or call girl, but God had other plans for this woman of color.


A Son of god an African Concept

A little history is needed before Rahab’s introduction. A dark skin Hebrew baby boy was found floating in Africa’s longest river by an African princess. The Hebrew  babe was so dark that the black princess knew she could pass the babe off as her child to Africa’s most powerful king, the Pharaoh who had ordered the death of all male Hebrew infants. Since she received the water borne babe from the Nile, this black princess called his name in her language Mose meaning child.113 Greeks added the “s” making it Moses.   Black kings and queens, in the land of Ham, were often regarded as the child of black gods, so they many of them had the suffix Mose, meaning child, attached to their names like Ra-mose\Rameses means child or son of the god Ra (Sun). Thutmose means child or  son of the god Thoth. Hence, the idea of a “son of god” or being divinity as a “child of god” began as a African concept foreshadowing the coming “son of the living God” by the seed of a woman that God promised Eve in Genesis 3:15. This courageous black princess called this babe that floated on water the child of that water saying, “Because I drew him out of the water. Later Moses married an Ethiopian colored woman with the skin color like that of his African step-mother (Num 12:1). Next to Jesus Christ, Moses is considered the most popular Hebrew that changed world history by his laws, after he was raised and educated by a rich black princess, a royalist.


Why the Black Princess Gave Moses this African Name that Most Consider Hebrew

Since Moses led the children of Israel out of Egypt in 1446 B.C. at age 80, he had to be born in Africa in 1526 B.C. the exact year its Pharaoh Amenhotep died. Moses’ brother Aaron was three years older than him, so he was born during Amenhotep’s reign and was not threatened by infanticide unlike his baby brother Moses. However, that black king’s successor was Thutmose I that reigned from 1526 B.C. to 1512 B.C. making him the enthroned pharaoh that ordered the death of all Hebrew male infants. Pharaoh Thutmose I and his wife Ahmose had the “Pharaoh’s daughter” of the Bible, and her name in history is Hatshepsut, and she wisely gave Mose, pronounced Moshay in Hebrew, a variation of her parents Thutmose and Ahmose names to flatter her son-less father the king of Egypt (Ex 2:10). As Barack and Michelle Obama’s daughters, Sasha and Malia would be black American princesses if the United States’ presidency was a kingship during his time. In like manner, the African princess, Hatshepsut “pharaoh’s daughter” as step-mother positioned Moses in line for her father Thutmose throne as the pharaoh that would succeed him, but her father’s reign was short.

After being 40 years in a wilderness, Joshua took charge and led Israel to invade the land of Canaan. God wanted the Canaanites off this land because they defiled it with incest, bestiality, homosexuality, and prostitution, Rahab’s occupation (Lev 20). God said, “… the nation, which I cast out before you: they committed all these things, and therefore I abhorred them. But I have said, Ye shall inherit their land, and I will give it unto you to possess it, a land that floweth with milk and honey: I am the LORD your God, which have separated you from other people” (Lev 20:22-24). God gave Canaan’s land to Israel and Rahab lived in her Canaanite hometown of Jericho.             

       Joshua selected two men to “spy out the land” and bring back a report on its status and its inhabitants. “And they went, and came into a harlot’s, Rahab’s, house and lodged there” (Josh 2:1). The number one objective of a spy is to blend in and complete the mission without having their cover blown. Would the Swiss send a white skin blonde-haired blue-eyed Swede to Ethiopia to spy on them? No. They would send someone with features similar to those of that region. Joshua, also known as Oshea, 40 years earlier, fit the bill of that description being a descendent of Joseph’s mixed marriage to an African virgin appointed to him by Africa’s most powerful king producing the half-black tribe of Ephraimites from Joseph’s biracial son (Num 13:8).

Now 40 years later, he knew what Canaanites looked like, so he logically selected men who could blend in with the Canaanite people of Jericho. Since Hebrews and Ethiopians served together in bondage in Egypt and intermarried, this infusion of Ham’s bloodline into the Hebrews’ lineage, along with that of their African taskmasters that took sexual advantage of Hebrew slaves, would color their offspring similar to that of Canaanites. Scripture states that Moses liberated Hebrews and “a mixed multitude” from Egypt (Ex 12:38). The offspring of these biracial unions would have made excellent spies by closely resembling Jericho’s Canaanites, Ham’s descendants through Canaan.             


       When these two spies arrived at the walled city of Jericho, they were drawn to a house on that wall that belonged to a Canaanite prostitute named Rahab. It is not told what gave them away, but these undercover agents were identified as outsiders by the black watchmen on Jericho’s wall in the land of Canaan. “And the king of Jericho sent Rahab, saying Bring forth the men that are come to thee, which are entered into thine house: for they come to search out all the country” (Josh 2:3). Prior to the king’s soldiers interrogating Rahab at her brothel’s front door, this black prostitute realized her potential patrons were in danger. “And the woman took the two men, and hid them, and said thus, There came men unto me, but I wist not whence they were. And it came to pass about the gate, when it was dark, that the men went out: whither the men went I know not: pursue after them quickly; for ye shall overtake them. But she had brought them up to the roof of the house and hid them with the stalks of flax, which she had laid in order upon the roof” (Josh 2:4-6). Rahab was a very convincing fast-

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