

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

PLAAF 10th anniversary of J-20 first flight
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01/11/2021, 01:41:00

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From MiG-15 to J-20, PLAAF have come a long way.

The test pilot applauded by the crowd after completing the first flight of J-20 on Jan 11, 2011.

J-20 latest prototypes powered by 14.8 ton WS-10C turbofan.

This 2022 is said to have a hatch for gun, what do you think?

Let's admire the J-20 from the good looking perspective.

J-20B with the WS-10C.

J-20 took off from high land airfield in you know where.

Preparing for night flight.

Looking into the future, will J-20 enter naval service? It's still not clear as of now.

Shown in AVIC official video, J-20 two seater is coming to town. Some said it's a multi-role variant, other said the back seater will fly the companion drones. Or maybe it's both, multi-role with the drones.

J-20, H-20, and companion drones are what we can expect to see in near future, i.e. before 2025. But somehow I doubt it'll be Dark Sword, as CAC seem to have its own drone.

Maybe this is the CAC's companion drone.

Did it take first flight today? I dunno.

Related link: PLAAF Finally Y-20B with WS-20 took off for maiden flight

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