Nijar was killed in Jun, which means in G20, Trudeau was confronting Modi
Replying to: Trudeau accuses India's govt of involvement in killing of Canadian Sikh leader -- ChairmanMaohamet Post ReplyForum


09/19/2023, 03:12:37

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about this and got a scolding from Modi. Did the Indian government offered a bounty of $12,000 on Nijar's life as alleged? If so, even if the killer is purely after the bounty, can India said Nijar's killing has nothing to do with them? Apparently Trudeau chose to point finger after the G20. Or maybe India was accusing Nijar offered a bounty to kill a Hindu priest.

In June, Nijjar was shot and killed in front of the Guru Nanak Sikh Gurdwara in Surrey, British Columbia.

New Delhi had previously alleged Nijjar was part of a plan to murder a Hindu priest in Punjab, offering a bounty of nearly $12,000 (£9,688). The fatal shooting of Nijjar led many to accuse India of playing a role in the killing.

“Today, the prime minister of Canada has publicly said what Sikhs in Canada have known for decades – India actively targets Sikhs in Canada,” said the World Sikh Organisation.

Trudeau: I know what you did last summer.
Modi: What're you talking about? Let go of me!

Related link: ‘Credible evidence’ India behind alleged assassination of Sikh leader, says Trudeau

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