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Actress Cynthia Nixon launches hunger strike calls on Biden to ask for ceasefire
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11/28/2023, 14:21:53

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Actress Cynthia Nixon launches hunger strike, calls on Biden to ask for Israel-Hamas ceasefire

The 57-year-old actress and activist, who previously ran for New York Governor, is 'sick and tired' of people dismissing civilian casualties as a 'routine toll of war'

Published Nov 28, 2023

‘Sex and the City’ star Cynthia Nixon is on a hunger strike as she calls on President Joe Biden to ask for an Israel-Hamas ceasefire.

The 57-year-old actress and activist — who previously ran for New York Governor — is “sick and tired” of people dismissing civilian casualties as a “routine toll of war” and has pleaded with the world leader to use his power to put an end to the brutality for good. Article content Article content

Two of Cynthia’s three children are Jewish, and she has been inspired by her son to use her voice to “affirm as loudly as possible” for a permanent ceasefire.

She said: “I have been asked by my son to use any voice I have to affirm as loudly as possible that never again means never again for everyone.

“In seven weeks, Israel has killed more civilians on a tiny strip of land than was killed in 20 years of war in the entire country of Afghanistan.

“I am sick and tired of people explaining away by saying that civilian casualties are a routine toll of war. There is nothing routine about these figures. There is nothing routine about these deaths.

“I would like to make a personal plea to a president who has, himself, experienced such devastating personal loss, to connect with that empathy for which he is so well known and to look at the children of Gaza and imagine that they were his children.”

Cynthia joined politicians from five U.S. states outside The White House in Washington D.C. to protest with a hunger strike to mark what would have been the end of a four-day truce, which will now continue for two more days.

One of the placards she held up read: “Biden, you are starving Gaza. Permanent ceasefire now!”

At the time of writing, Israel has released 117 of 150 Palestinian prisoners, while Hamas has released 51 Israeli hostages as the conflict is paused.


Okay, never seen something like this before, that so many celebrities coming out of their comfort zone to take a strong stand on this war. Even that climate girl from Sweden going bonkers. How dare they.

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