PLAN Mar 2024 update
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03/29/2024, 22:04:56

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001 and 055 replenishment.

001 return from sea trial with J-35 model on board.

J-15 and J-35 onboard 001. I expect J-15 to be a real aircraft instead of a model.

001 with the J-15 and J-35 models return from sea trial.


A large pix of the 003. Not the most recent one.

Aircraft models prepared for 003 sea trial include J-15, JL-10, and KJ-600.

A closer view of the JL-10 model and KJ-600 model.

Life raft installed and aircraft models loaded onto 003, getting one step closer to sea trial.

J-15 model loaded onboard the 003.

003 began flight deck line painting.


The three type of aircrafts expected to deploy onboard 003, KJ-600, J-35, J-15.


J-35 with external weapon load.

Two J-35.


J-15D EMW.

JL-10 for carrier may have twin vertical tail fin instead of one as in the original JL-10.

Z-20 ASW.

Z-8 ASW.

Z-9 ASW.


076 under construction. Believed to have one EMAL.

076 vs 075 CG.

Next gen UCAV, likely prepared for 076.

New ships

The 10th 055 has been launched recently, in Mar. There’re at least 4 055 in the second batch.

New 052D under construction in dock. 10 052D in this new batch.

The 6th batch of 054A has begun construction. Three can be seen in the dry dock beneath the 076. The 6th batch consist of 20 ships.

The fourth 075 has gone on sea trial in Feb.

054B on sea trial.

Actually 054B has returned from sea trial and is in dock for pennant painting.


New SAM fired by experimental ship, capable of anti-ballistic missile defence. Expected to be equipped on 052D, 055.

The 850 mm VLS with single missle and four missle.

The HQ-9 has been miniaturized. Compared the old HQ-9 and new HQ-9 slim. Now a vehicle can carry eight new HQ-9 slim instead of four. I believe the same upgrade can be apply to the naval HHQ-9. Imagine if each VLS can fit four new HHQ-9 slim. Even for conservative estimate, each VLS tube can fit at least two HHQ-9 slim.

With this new high density vertical launch emitter concept, the large 850 mm and 9 m deep VLS onboard 052D, 055 will be capable of equipping up to 8 missile in a silo. Though probably for shorter range SAM, ie. length less than 4.5 m.


A USV with PAR, VLS, and hatch to operate UAV.

VLS launcher onboard the USV.

BTW regarding using sea drone against PLAN, it's PLAN opponents that should be more worried about defending against sea drones. PLAN has plan to use drones on massive scale, airborne, seaborne, submersibles. As manufacturing superpower, churning out drones would be easier than constructing manned vessels, and China shipyard proved its ability to build large number of ships in short time. Now a 054A took less than a year to build.

The 6th batch 054A

The two 056 of the HK garrison were also transferred to the CCG.

It's confirmed new batch of 054A is being built to replace the 056 transferred to the China Coast Guard. The most recent transfer involved 22 056. So on top of the extra 20 054A from the 5th batch, it seem like there will be additional 20 054A from the 6th batch. Which’s means 40 additional 054A were built to replace the 056 transferred to CCG. This decision to upgrade 056 to 054A and transfer of 056 to CCG is believed to be contingency plan in preparation for the increasing TW & S.China Sea tension due to US intervention. 054A is a mature, well balance, low cost ship suitable to operate in near & far sea, that can be built in large number in very short time. So to summarize, because of US intervention in the last four years, 42 056 were transferred to CCG, while 40 additional 054A were built for PLAN.

The new 054A has longer helicopter deck like the "052DL", so expect them to be equipped with Z-20 ASW.

New 054A under construction.

New 054A from the 5th batch.

At the same time, 054 are also being built for the CCG.

CCG 056 in recent Feb 22 stand off against pinoys. Frankly I don't understand what Bong Bong Marcus hoped to achieve in stirring up S.China Sea tension. Is he forced to do so, or is this for his political gains? He has token the most hard line approach leaving no room for negotiation, kinda like Elensky approach to peace talk, ie. unconditional surrender of Putin.

Related link: PLAN carrier pix

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