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Some of China’s best cultural ambassadors are foreign vloggers
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Some of China’s best cultural ambassadors are foreign vloggers


Wei Wei Published: 5:30am, 20 Aug 2024

Travellers taking advantage of China’s visa-free transit policies can help the international community get a balanced view of the country

I never expected that foreigners could become the strongest “spokespeople” for China. On YouTube, I’ve come across video headlines such as “CHINA is NOT what we expected”, “I Was Wrong About China...So I Came Back” and “The Media Doesn’t Want You To See THIS in China” made by foreign vloggers - some of whom have many followers.

A China travel rush is under way, thanks in part to China rolling out a visa-free 24-hour transit policy for people from other countries around the world at all of its accessible exit-entry ports. Forty-one such ports - encompassing 19 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities - have implemented a 72-hour or 144-hour visa-free transit period for foreign nationals from 54 countries.

According to data released by the National Immigration Administration, more than 14.6 million foreigners entered China in the first half of 2024, a year-on-year increase of 152.7 per cent. Among them, 8.5 million people entered China without a visa, accounting for 52 per cent - a year-on-year increase of 190.1 per cent. With the support of the visa-free transit policy, it is more convenient for foreign tourists to explore China. Foreign vloggers have made videos about their experiences in China and posted them on social media. They are amazed by China’s high-speed trains, skyscrapers, mobile payment systems, electric cars, mega airports, delicious and varied food, friendly people, unique culture and history and how people can walk at night without fearing being attacked.

I was impressed that a couple from Britain and Italy, on their YouTube channel, said that people in China completely blew them away because they “never expected anyone could be so lovely, so friendly, so helpful, so welcoming and so patient”, and “so nice”. It was the first time I had seen someone put so many kind adjectives together to describe Chinese people.

In a video posted to Douyin, a father from Britain said he took his son to see a dentist in China. He was shocked by how efficient and affordable it was to go to the hospital. He said the whole process, from the professional consultation and X-ray to his son getting the filling, took just a few hours and cost them 287 yuan (US$40).

Some vloggers even went to Xinjiang Uygur and Tibet autonomous regions, places often described as being full of problems. These two regions are targeted by Western countries and media over allegations of human rights violations and even genocide. If you go by some rumours, foreigners are not allowed to enter. However, videos shot in Xinjiang and Tibet, uploaded by foreign vloggers, throw water on these narratives. They have shown residents living peaceful lives.

These videos are just the tip of the iceberg. To be honest, the China travel rush has shocked not only foreigners who had no idea of China, but some Chinese people too. Perhaps some of us have taken the positive aspects of our country for granted, as we live with them. But look at this phenomenon from another perspective. Can you think of any better way to tell good China stories to the international community?

Negative reports about China have been prevalent in Western media for quite some time. Reports often criticise China’s political system, human rights issues and treatment of ethnic minorities, as well as exaggerate the nature of its economic and environmental problems. There’s also selective reporting on China’s social problems, such as the wealth gap and food safety.

Meanwhile, China’s efforts and achievements in social governance and improving people’s livelihoods are largely ignored. The lack of comprehensive, objective and in-depth perspectives in China coverage has resulted in one-sidedness, which likely shapes a negative image of China and reinforces stereotypes in Western countries. To change this, we must help the world see the real China, by showing its culture, history, development and achievements through honest and compelling stories.

In Confucianism, a central school of Chinese philosophy, the principle of the “golden mean” advocates for the pursuit of impartiality, harmony and balance. This idea permeates into daily life; people tend to be implicit in their expressions to avoid direct conflicts or hurting the feelings of others.

Confucianism also advocates self-discipline and propriety, which also might lead to an implicit culture. Examining oneself every day, a concept from The Analects of Confucius, encourages people to repeatedly reflect on their conduct to identify their shortcomings and improve themselves.

Influenced by this traditional culture, when facing criticism or stigma, what many Chinese do first, maybe unconsciously, is check if we’ve done anything wrong. If we have, we will immediately adjust. To paraphrase a popular idiom, “the wise man knows he knows nothing, and the fool thinks he knows all”.

We believe in “winning people over by virtue”. China is just doing its best to develop and create a better life for its people. It is always ready to welcome friends from around the world with open arms, letting them see the country as it is. So it’s heartening to see that foreign visitors are sharing their positive experiences, debunking misconceptions and showcasing China’s warmth, progress and diversity. Their firsthand accounts are invaluable in offering a balanced and genuine portrayal of China to the global audience. No doubt, these are perfect China stories.

Wei Wei is the former chief correspondent of the Eurasian bureau of China Central Television, based in Moscow https://www.scmp.com/opinion/china-opinion/article/3274706/some-chinas-best-cultural-ambassadors-are-foreign-vloggers

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