

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

Zhen Zhu Wan Online Community Club of Elite Chinese

PLAN update Sep 2024
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09/14/2024, 05:05:12

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003 going on the fouth sea trial in Sep.

KJ-600 model spotted onboard.

003 with L-10, J-35, J-15, KJ-600.

003 EMAL catapult test of an aircraft believed to have been conducted in the fourth sea trial.

003 EMAL catapult test earlier using the red vehicle.

During 003 third sea trial, KJ-600 was spotted to approach 003. Perhaps a touch and go was attempted.


OTOH, 001 Liaoning believed to have conducted test launch of a new type of carrier based airctaft, believed to be the J-35.

002 Shandong and a 075 on route to training in W.Pacific. With 075 tag along, this exercise has a pretty obvious target.

Interior of 001, 002, 003 from top to bottom compared.
In 001, people were standing shoulder to shoulder.
In 002, people were standing an upper arm apart.
In 003, people were standing with gap enough fpr another person apart.

076 with a EMAL and two side elevator.

076 deck.

076 estimated measurements. An EMAL at length of 110 m, two side elevator at 13.6 m x 15 m.

076 CG. The starboard elevator is believed to be in the middle of two island structure.

Laser weapon on 071.


New test platform. 1 x 8 VLS is clearly spotted in front. No visible hangar door though.

A new SSN believed to be the 093B spotted in the sea.

VLS on the submarine testbed. Such VLS will be installed on the new 093B SSN.




New coast guard ship based on the 052D platform. Apparently CCG ships based on 054 platform alone is not sufficient.

CG of the coast guard ship based on the 052D platform.

Two CCG ships based on the 054 platform set sailed to participate in joint Sino-Russia coast guard exercise.

Related link: PLAN submarine force 70th anniversary pix

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