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热度 7已有 5731 次阅读2015-1-24 03:02 |系统分类:转帖-科技

文 张玉蛟  美国安德森医院终身教授




肺癌:在美国和中国,肺癌都是致死率最高的癌症。2013年美国癌症协会发布的最新报告显示,美国肺癌五年整体存活率为16%。然而,由于早期筛查在美国的开展,早期肺癌5年生存率已达到70%到90%。其中,非创伤性的立体导向治疗 (SBRT/SABR) 结果与手术相似。中国肺癌整体存活率没有准确的报告数据,但一般认为五年存活率为8%-10%。乳腺癌:美国乳腺癌五年整体存活率为89%,早期患者治愈率已达98%。中国乳腺癌发病率增长很快,为每年3-4%,但治疗水平很低, 五年生存率仍不到60%。美国乳腺癌在Ⅰ期阶段即诊断出的概率为80%多,中国在Ⅰ期阶段诊断出乳腺癌的概率不到20%,一旦查出,多数已经转移或扩散。



1、  严格的医生培养制度:美国比中国多6年甚至更长时间


在美国,只有最优秀的大学生才能报考医学院,而所有报考者中大约只有15%可以被录取。所有医生都必须取得博士学位。考入医学院以后,还需要经过刻苦的学习和长期的训练,才能成为一名医生。大学4年毕业后考入医学院,4年医学博士毕业后还当不了医生,必须在指定的一些基地医院继续进行resident training (住院医师培训)。只有具备训练经历,才有资格参加医生从业资格考试。如果要进一步成为专科医生,比如心、胸外科医生,5年的普通外科培训后之后还要到指定专科医院(如德州心脏中心, MD安德森癌症中心)做2至3年的fellow。这样通过考核后才能成为拥有专科行医执照的专科医生。加起来,一个专科医生的培养,从中学毕业开始,至少需要13至15年。毕业行医时,医生的年龄都在31岁以上。在经过这样的培训以后,才可以成为主治医生,可以开始独立诊治病人。住院医生不同于主治医生,住院医生可以从政府获得资助,在他们成为主治医生后,他们的薪资会提高3到10倍。


2、  中国的医疗资源相对紧缺,资源分配不均







4. 监督机制:三方监督美国医生









美国的肿瘤专科医院更是举世闻名,其中以位于德克萨斯州的MD安德森癌症中心(MD Anderson Cancer Center)为首,是世界公认的最好的肿瘤医院。


MD安德森癌症中心将每位患者视作独立个体,针对每一个患者的评估都是由多学科团队进行的,其成员包括病理学家、放射治疗师、内科肿瘤学家、外科医生和放射肿瘤学家。他们一起为每位患者制定具体的治疗计划。MD安德森癌症中心的医生团队一直坚持认为世上没有两个人是完全相同的,同样也没有完全相同的两种癌症。MD 安德森实行全方位治疗,并将患者的整个病史、生活方式和其他健康问题纳入考虑。这就是为什么每位患者都有一份根据其特殊需要而为其量身打造治疗方案的原因所在。


















张玉蛟(Joe Y. Chang, MD, PhD, 网页:http://faculty.mdanderson.org/joe_chang)医生是国际知名的胸部肿瘤放疗权威,MD安德森(MD Anderson ) 癌症中心胸部肿瘤放疗中心和立体定向放射科主任,德克萨斯大学终身教授,博士后导师,美国放射科学院肺癌专家组主席, (Chair,American College of Radiology Appropriateness Criteria Radiation Oncology Committee Expert panel inlung cancer),中美放射治疗和肿瘤学协会主席(President ofSino-American Network for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology),美国放射肿瘤学协会(AmericanSociety for Radiation Oncology, ASTRO)学报高级副主编(Senior Associate Editor,International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology physics),国际质子重离子治疗协会(PTCOG)胸部专业委员会主任, (Chair,Thoracic subcommittee of Particle Therapy Co-Operative Group), 美国放疗协作组 (RTOG) 肺癌专家(RadiationTherapy Oncology Group , Lung and Translational Research Committee) 和多项项目研究带头人。。

张教授1985毕业复旦大学医学院, 1997美国德克萨斯医学中心 MD Anderson 肿瘤中心得博士学位. 2002美国放射学学院放射肿瘤证书.张教授目前在肺癌放射治疗的临床和科研方面(质子治疗、调强质子治疗、调强放射治疗、  容积弧形调强放射治疗、立体定向放疗)    处于国际权威地位,周围性早期肺癌的放射治疗5年预后已达到手术治疗的水平。       2005-2012年,张教授连续荣膺全美最佳医生称号(American’s TopOncologist by Consumer Research Council of American) 北美放射学会研究学者(Research Scholar of Radiology Society of North American, RSNA) 。张教授主持了多项美国国家级的科研课题,受到美国国立卫生研究院的经费支持。当前,张教授发表 >160 篇专业文章, 参加了21本临床专著的撰写, 其中包括2008年出版的“Principlesand Practice of Radiation Oncology” Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 是美国当前最有影响的肿瘤放射治疗的专著。此外,张教授主编的“Image-guidedradiation therapy for lung cancer”也于2008年出版。曾参加撰写美国肿瘤中心联盟规范诊治指南 (NCCN guidelines).张教授受邀在国际学术大会上作专题发言。作为华裔肿瘤专家,他积极支持国内的肿瘤放疗专业的发展,通过学术合作和培训,已经为中国的权威肿瘤医疗机构培养了20多位专家。








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回复 ojx111 2015-1-24 04:12
在美国, "医生不厌其烦地解答、检查患者,一般初诊约45分钟,复诊约20分钟左右,遇到复杂病例可能时间还会延长". 开玩笑吧? 病人能和医生直接交流五分钟就谢天谢地了
还有, 你到公立医院去试试, 不比中国好多少.
回复 木一剑 2015-1-24 06:32
回复 中西部网客 2015-1-24 07:22
首先必须承认癌症目前还是不治之症,中美医治癌症手段都一样,无非是手术,放疗,化疗,所谓中美癌症五年存活率有着显著差距的说法基本乃无稽之谈,西医目前连癌症的病理都没搞清楚,美国无非强调早期筛查发现,把五年存活率的计算时钟往前拨。很不幸的是:无论中国美国,往往 Early detection meant accelerated treatment and early death. 姚贝娜就是一个最好的例子。
回复 中西部网客 2015-1-24 07:23

The Untreated Live Longer

For decades there has been a great deal of controversy within the medical community over what kind of medical treatment is most efficacious in treating cancer. Latest findings reveal all conventional medical treatment for cancer is virtually worthless.

The late Dr. Hardin B. Jones, Professor of Medical Physics and Physiology at Berkeley, California, made a study lasting 25 years of the life span of cancer patients, and had concluded that untreated patients do not die sooner than patients receiving orthodox treatment (surgery, radiation and chemotherapy), and in many cases they live longer. Dr. Jones delivered his bombshell report at the American Cancer Society's (11th) Science Writers' Seminar (March 28-April 2, 1969), in which he confirmed what he had written as early as 1955, in his classic paper. "Demographic Consideration of the Cancer Problem; published in Transactions of the New York Academy of Sciences (Series II, Vol. 18, pp. 298-333).

In his 1955 paper, Dr. Jones demonstrates how cancer studies are manipulated (he politely calls them "bases" and "errors") in order to make it appear that the treated cancer patients live longer than the untreated. Referring to one particular study on breast cancer, he says: Cases that died during treatment, or closely following treatment, were discarded because of the possible effect of the severity of treatment; (p. 316).

In 1969, before the American Cancer Society's Science Writers' Seminar, Dr. Jones pointed out that the failure of past survival studies were that they did not take into account that the worst, inoperable cases were left in the groups that were untreated. Thus many cancer studies were based on research done with operable and "healthier" cases, giving the mistaken judgment that surgery and radiation were of value in cancer treatment. When Jones corrected for such bias statistically he found that the life expectancy of untreated cases of cancer were greater than that of the treated cases. Dr. Jones concluded that evidence for benefit from cancer therapy has depended on systematic biometric errors;

After almost 40 years as a cancer researcher, Dr. Jones found, for example, that survival in breast cancer is 4 times longer without conventional treatment. he stated, People who refused treatment lived for an average of 12-1/2 years. Those who accepted other kinds of treatment lived an average of only 3 years. Beyond the shadow of a doubt, radical surgery on cancer patients does more harm than good. (The Naked Empress, Hans Reusch, p. 74)

It is important to note that no refutations of Dr. Jones' work have appeared, while on the other hand, his studies have been supported by other researchers, as a search of the Science Citation Index reveals.

Even the Journal of the American Medical Association took note of the phenomenon when, in its February 2, 1979 issue, it published an article on the diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer by Dr. Maurice Fox, a biologist from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. On the basis of studies carried out at the Harvard School of Public Health, Dr. Fox found, among other things, that:

1. Radical mastectomy was no better than simple lump removal.
2. Breast cancer was diagnosed twice as frequently in 1975 as in 1935. The death rate was also double, showing no progress had been made.
3. Those who refused medical procedures had a lower mortality rate than those who submitted.
4. Early detection meant accelerated treatment and early death.

Thus, according to Dr. Jones and other researchers, it appears that medically sanctioned cancer treatment dramatically shortens the lives of cancer victims, while, we might add, increases their pain and suffering to an intolerable degree. After all, treatment can actually spread a cancer and spur the growth of deadly metastases. These metastases are actually inhibited by the primary tumor, according to the studies of Dr. Michael Feldman and his colleagues at the Weizmann Institute in Israel in 1978. Radiation is itself well recognized as cancer causing and chemotherapy is not only devastating and injurious, but ineffective! An article in The Lancet (official journal of the British Medical Association), March 15, 1980, entitled Failure of Chemotherapy to Prolong Survival in a Group of Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer, stated:

Overall survival of patients with primary breast cancer has not improved in the past 10 years, despite increasing use of multiple-drug chemotherapy for treatment of metastasis. Furthermore, there has been no improvement in survival from first metastasis, and survival may even have been shortened in some patients given chemotherapy.... Actuarial survival analysis ... reveals no prolongation in overall survival, despite the increased use of multiple-drug chemotherapy for metastatic disease. The survival of the 78 patients who received chemotherapy from first detection of metastases (including single-agent chemotherapy) was no better than that of the 80 who did not receive chemotherapy. There was also no improvement in survival for those who received multiple-drug chemotherapy (66 patients).... The fact that regressions of breast cancer had no influence on overall survival must reflect the inadequacy of present-day chemotherapy;

Obviously, cancer patients have no knowledge of the inefficacy of chemotherapy (they would not permit it if they did), but its brutalizing effects upon the body are so well known that it is no small wonder that we now have reports of cancer patients refusing to subscribe to it. As many as 85 percent of cancer patients who are prescribed chemotherapy pills do not take them, according to findings of a study conducted by Dr. Alexandra Levine of the Kenneth Norris Center Hospital and Research Institute in Los Angeles (U.S.A. Today, February 4, 1985). And why should they? After all, says Dr. Levine, We are telling them, 'Take the medicine. It will cause side effects, but we don't know if it will help.

And what are those side-effects; cancer patients are encouraged to ignore? Cancer Forum (Vol. 1, No. 1-2) lists 13 drugs used in chemotherapy and their consequent side effects (as listed in the drugs' package inserts for physicians), which include: destruction of immune system, leukopenia, hemorrhage, gonadal suppression, bone marrow depression, phlebosclerosis (hardening of the veins), severe cellulitis, vesication (blistering), tissue necrosis (death), fever, chills, nausea, prolonged vomiting, partial or total hair loss, lethargy, disorientation, ataxis (inability to coordinate muscle movements), dysarthria (impaired speech), anorexia, enteritis, stomatitis, erythema (morbid redness of skin), anemia, liver failure, kidney failure, cancer and death.

The above is just a partial listing of the hideous side effects of chemotherapy. Is it any wonder that cancer patients are refusing to partake in this form of cancer treatment?

Buy Rethinking Cancer on DVD and receive a free hard copy of The Prevention of the Diseases Peculiar to Civilization, by Sir W. Arbuthnot Lane.

In view of all the foregoing information, it is reasonable to conclude that any alleged claim of improvement in cancer survival rates due to conventional medical treatment may be attributed to the fact that cancer patients are not following doctors' orders.


The prospects for improvement in cancer survival under conventional medical treatment seem no brighter today than they were at the turn of the century, or when the War on Cancer began in 1971, despite drug and medical propaganda to the contrary. below is a comparison of cancer statistics provided by Cancer Facts and Figures, published by the American Cancer Society.

Hence, the only improvement in 14 years since the War on Cancer began (and billions of dollars spent) appears to be in survival rates. But many prestigious scientists and doctors dispute this. Here are two:

In the September 18, 1984 New York Times and in an article in the September issue of Science '84, Dr. Hayden Bush, director of a regional cancer center in Ontario, Canada, made the following points (paraphrasing):

There is no real advance in cancer treatments. If there was, we'd see an improvement in mortality rates. What has happened is that there is now an emphasis in early diagnosis which starts the "survival clock" sooner. So that even with no real change in survival duration there would be an apparent improvement in survival rates by starting the clock at an earlier time due to early diagnosis.

Dr. John Baylor, an official of the National Cancer Institute, ra Harvard bio-statistician, and a consultant to the New England Journal of Medicine, said on the Today show in December 1984:

A lot of early lesions that are not cancer at all are being counted as cancer through these early detection methods. These people will go on to lead a normal life anyway the lesions will clear up by themselves. But they include these cases as cancer thus polluting the pool of real cancer patients and making it seem that survival rates have risen.

The above article clearly demonstrates the futility of conventional medical treatment for cancer. This raises the question, what alternatives are left to the cancer victim?
回复 MingHao 2015-1-24 13:54
回复 木一剑 2015-1-24 15:24
我懒得找楼上那篇英文ZT的作者是谁,但是从他/她肆意歪曲 Dr. Maurice Fox 1979年的 JAMA 文章结论来看,不是什么好鸟。Dr Fox 的文章摘要这里可以看到 http://jama.jamanetwork.com/article.aspx?articleid=363380

明明说的是 radical mastectomy offers no greater benefit than simple mastectomy followed by radiotherapy,到了楼上那位作者那里,就变成 Radical mastectomy was no better than simple lump removal. 谁家的 “乳房全切加放疗” = 简单的肿块切除?

别的也不用说了,靠歪曲 JAMA 文章来给自己的谎言做证明的人,有什么信誉?
回复 lfyhao 2015-1-27 22:03
中西部网客: 首先必须承认癌症目前还是不治之症,中美医治癌症手段都一样,无非是手术,放疗,化疗,所谓中美癌症五年存活率有着显著差距的说法基本乃无稽之谈,西医目前连癌 ...
回复 中西部网客 2015-1-28 07:27
lfyhao: 前些日子有篇原同仁医院韩院长的文章,里面就讲了所谓早发现早治疗的问题。韩院长所引用的数据也是美国人的,美国人的统计,所谓的早治疗早发现基本上没什么作用 ...
回复 lfyhao 2015-1-28 14:31
中西部网客: 确实如此。膀胱癌如果50岁发现后手术,放疗,化疗乱治一气,很可能活不了几年,受罪不说,家人也可能被搞个倾家荡产。家里有个远亲老太太,90多岁走了,是癌 ...


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