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分享 40个“自相矛盾”的英语单词(真的吗?)
热度 3 MingHao 2016-5-12 21:45
外研社Unipus 你大概也注意到了,有些英文单词有点精神分裂…… 它们可以有互相矛盾的两个意思,让背单词的小伙伴也感到很分裂 。 不过如果联系上下文语境,它们想表达的意思似乎也不那么难理解了呢。 双语君给大家整理出40个这样的英语单词,大家体会体会。 1 sanction “制裁”vs“批准” ▷ Economic sanctions will only be lifted when the aggressor nation withdraws its troops. 只有侵略国撤回其军队,经济制裁才会解除。 ▷ They tried to get official sanction for the scheme. 他们想使计划获得正式批准。 2 overlook “检查;监视”vs“忽视;忽略” ▷ I am overlooking her work . 我正在监督她的工作。 ▷ I think there is one key fact that you have overlooked . 我认为你忽略了一个重要的事实。 3 finished “完成的”vs“失败的” ▷ Are you finished with that drill? 你的那个练习做完了吗? ▷ This financial crisis means that the government's economic policy is finished . 这次金融危机意味着政府的经济政策失败了。 4 dust “擦去……的灰尘”vs“在……上撒粉末” ▷ I was dusting the mantelpiece when I noticed a crack. 我在擦壁炉台的时候发现了一道裂纹。 ▷ Dust the top of the cake with icing sugar. 在蛋糕上撒些糖霜。 5 left “留下”vs“离开” ▷ He left the house by the back door. 他从房子的后门离开了。 ▷ His shoes left muddy marks on the floor. 他的鞋在地板上留下了泥印。 6 trim “添加,装饰”vs“修剪,剪枝” ▷ The children are trimming up a Christmas tree with ribbons, laces. 孩子们正在往圣诞树上挂彩带和蕾丝。 ▷ He trimmed dead branches off a tree. 他从树上剪掉枯枝。 7 cleave “劈开;分开”vs“粘住;紧贴” ▷ With one blow of the knight's axe, he clove the rock in twain (= into two pieces). 武士大斧一挥,将石头劈成了两半。 ▷ The ancient ivy cleaved to the ruined castle walls. 古老的常春藤紧紧攀附在破败的城堡墙上。 注意 :表“粘住;紧贴”时,cleave通常与to连用。 8 scan “细看,审视”vs“粗略地看” ▷ She anxiously scanned the faces of the men leaving the train. 她焦急地盯着一张张下火车的人的脸。 ▷ I scanned through the booklet but couldn't find the address. 我很快地翻阅了一遍小册子,但没有找到那个地址。 9 fast “快速的”vs“固定的” ▷ Computers are getting faster all the time. 计算机一直在提速。 ▷ She made her end of the rope fast to a tree . 她把绳子的一头牢牢地绑在树上。 10 off “关掉”vs“响起” ▷ She turned off the TV. 她关掉了电视。 ▷ The alarm went off . 闹铃响了起来。 11 weather “经受住”vs“受侵蚀” ▷ The company weathered the recession . 这家公司挺过了经济衰退。 ▷ The rock was weathered . 岩石风化了。 12 screen “放映;播出”vs“遮掩;遮蔽” ▷ The programme was not screened on British television . 这个节目没有在英国电视上播出过。 ▷ She raised her hand to screen her eyes from the bright light. 她抬手遮住耀眼的亮光。 13 help “帮助”vs“抑制” ▷ How can I help you ? 我如何才能帮你呢? ▷ I couldn't help laughing. 我忍不住大笑起来。 14 clip “剪下来”vs“别上去” ▷ I clipped his picture from the newspaper. 我把他的照片从报纸上剪了下来。 ▷ He clipped his flashlight to his belt . 他把手电筒别在腰间。 15 fine “糟糕的;不合时宜的”vs“优秀的;极好的” ▷ He picked a fine time to leave us. 在那个时候扔下我们走了,他可真是会挑时间。 ▷ This building is the finest example of its type. 这幢建筑是同类建筑中最杰出的代表。 16 flog “鞭笞,棒打”vs“推销,出售” ▷ Soldiers used to be flogged for disobedience . 过去士兵们常常因不守军令而遭鞭笞。 ▷ He tried to flog his old car , but no one would buy it. 他想快点儿卖掉他的旧车,但没人愿意买。 17 ravel “使纠缠;使错综复杂”vs“弄清;解开” ▷ Mark's interference merely ravelled things further . 马克的掺和只是让情况进一步复杂化了。 ▷ It took Daisy a long time to ravel out all the wool . 黛西花了很长时间才把毛线解开。 18 mean “吝啬的,小气的”vs“极好的,出色的” ▷ He's too mean to buy her a ring. 他太吝啬了,舍不得给她买一枚戒指。 ▷ She's a mean piano player . 她是个出色的钢琴演奏家。 19 toss out “丢弃”vs“提出” ▷ She tossed out my old chair . 她把我的旧椅子扔了。 ▷ I decided to toss out the idea . 我决定提出这个想法。 注意 :第二个例句在特定情况下也可以指“抛弃”那个想法,要根据上下文而定。 20 buckle “坍塌,垮掉”vs“系牢” ▷ My knees buckled with fear . 我因为害怕而膝盖瘫软。 ▷ Buckle your seat belt . 请系好安全带。 21 compromise “和解,让步”vs“危害,损害” ▷ In the end I agreed to compromise . 最终我同意让步。 ▷ The virus will compromise our immune system . 这种病毒会损害我们的免疫系统。 22 bolt “逃跑”vs“锁住” ▷ The horse bolted at the sound of the shot. 那匹马听到枪声后跑走了。 ▷ You'd better bolt your doors. 你最好锁上门。 23 trip “旅行”vs“绊倒” ▷ The trip from York to Newcastle takes about an hour by train. 乘火车从约克到纽卡斯尔大约要花1个小时。 ▷ She had a nasty trip on the stairs. 她在楼梯上重重地绊了一跤。 24 apology “道歉,谢罪”vs“辩解,解释” ▷ Please accept my apology . 请接受我的道歉。 ▷ The consequence of those measures will be the best apology for my conduct . 这些措施产生的后果将成为我所作所为的最佳辩解。 25 consult “寻求咨询”vs“提供咨询” ▷ If you have any questions, consult an attorney . 你有任何问题,都可以咨询律师。 ▷ The retired executive consults for several large companies. 这位退休高管为好几家大公司提供咨询。 26 custom “惯常,习惯”vs“特殊的,定制的” ▷ He left the house at nine exactly, as is his custom . 他照常9点准时离开了家。 ▷ Justin Bieber looks suave in his custom suit . 穿上了定制西装的贾斯汀·比伯展现了儒雅风范。 27 first-degree “最低级”vs“最高级” ▷ first-degree burn 一度烧伤(处于烧伤级别的低级) ▷ first-degree murder 一级谋杀(处于谋杀级别的高级) 28 enjoin “嘱咐”vs“禁止” ▷ He enjoined caution . 他嘱咐要谨慎行事。 ▷ The government enjoined the publication of the book . 当局禁止出版这本书。 29 bound “去往,前往”vs“束缚,绑缚” ▷ She was on a plane bound for Moscow. 她在前往莫斯科的飞机上。 ▷ We found the girl bound . 我们发现女孩被绑起来了。 30 seed “播撒种子”vs“去掉种子” ▷ He is seeding the fields with wheat. 他在地里种小麦。 ▷ Wash, seed and cut the pepper into small pieces. 将辣椒洗净,去籽,切成小片。 31 dollop “(固态的)一团,一块”vs“(液态的)一点,少许” ▷ a dollop of whipped cream 一团生奶油 ▷ a dollop of whiskey 少量威士忌 32 garnish “增添配菜”vs“扣钱” ▷ Garnish the dish with parsley before serving. 这道菜端上桌之前,可以在上面配些欧芹点缀一下。 ▷ His employer garnished his wages in order to pay his debt. 雇主扣除了他的一部分工资用于支付他所欠的债务。 33 lease “(房东)出租”vs“(租客)租用” ▷ It was agreed they would lease him the flat . 按照约定他们要把公寓租给他。 ▷ He went to Toronto, where he leased an apartment. 他去了多伦多,在那儿租下一间公寓。 34 out of “在外”vs“在内” ▷ I hardly get out of the house because I work out of my home . 我几乎不出屋,因为我在家里办公。 注意 :第一个out of表示“在……之外”,第二个out of表示“在……之内”。 35 model “榜样的,优于别人的”vs“按原样复制的模型” ▷ She really is a model student . 她真是个模范学生。 ▷ There is a model of a wooden house . 这儿有一个木屋模型。 36 presently “现在”vs“不久之后” ▷ Of 200 boats, only 20 are presently operational . 200条船中,目前只有20条可用。 ▷ The room was hot and presently her eyes grew heavy and she began to feel sleepy. 屋子里很热,不一会儿她就觉得眼皮发沉,昏昏欲睡。 37 out “亮了”vs“灭了” ▷ It's a good thing the full moon was out when the lights went out . 熄灯之后,满月出来了。很好。 注意 :第一个out表示“出来”,第二个out表示“灭掉”。 38 resign “辞职”vs“重新签署” ▷ She resigned as director. 她辞去了董事职务。 ▷ Athletes who renew their contracts resign with their teams . 想要续签的运动员都与各自的队重新签署了合约。 注意 :第二句里的resign也可以写作 re-sign ,发音不同于“辞职”的resign。 39 fight with “与……打架”vs“与……并肩战斗” ▷ He fought with his mother-in-law. 他和岳母吵架了。 ▷ He fought with his mother-in-law. 他和岳母并肩战斗。 注意 :还是这句英文,意思也可以理解为“他以岳母为武器进行战斗”。 40 unbending “倔强的;坚定的”vs“放松,随意” ▷ He has earned a reputation as a stern and unbending politician. 作为政治家,他以强硬和不妥协而闻名。 ▷ After a glass or two of wine she began unbending a little. 一两杯酒下肚后她开始放松了一点儿。
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