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分享 帮这样的人值得吗 ? -- 论李永
热度 12 岳东晓 2015-5-30 12:23
刚看到翰山写道,他攻击本博时,李永 (aka 美人蕉)暗中提供炮弹。 我当然不怕谁提供再多的炮弹攻击。但是李永的行为却令人深思。 2007年1月28日,李永给我发了一个邮件,说看了我在贺梅案中写的辩论,有案子需要我帮助,我很快查看其案件的案卷并建议道: 【 It's unusual that the district court granted defendants' motion for summary judgment without writing an opinion. He simply referred to defendants' brief. I think that alone should be ground for reversal/remand. You have to understand summary judgment. Basically, the defendants say that all facts are clear, and all facts point to their favour. What you need to do is to show that there are some facts in dispute and those facts may convince someone (jury) to reach a verdict in your favour after a trial. So, the thing to do is to lay out your case clearly and show there may be facts that can support your claims. To support a discrmination claim, you must show they treat you differently from others based on race, color, sex, etc.】 之后,李永给我发来她的上诉文件稿,我回应到:【 You have background in science, you need to treat the legal battle as a science project. You have a set of facts and a set of rules (statutes, cases, procedures), the key is to fit the facts into the rules and compute an end result you want. So, it's also like programming. It's like your code collects some data, then invoking APIs and system calls to reaching a halting state which is in your favour. When you state the facts, you must remove anything emotional and argumentative. Then you apply the rules and make arguments. Frankly, after reading your statement of facts, I got confused and lost. You have to explain your case in a very simple manner. The fact the same judge treating two similar cases differently is strong evidence in your favour. I am sure the circuit court will try its best to find excuses for the district judge, let's wait and see.】 针对其文件中的具体内容,我写道:【I am confused on what was going on. Why did you file a discrimination complaint because someone cornered you into a small room? For me, someone cornered you into a room just demonstrate that he was kind of rude...】。 【Frankly. Your brief needs too much work. You must be able to explain the case within the first 3 parapgrahs, but I can't get the essence of it by reading it. For instance, you did allege that you were the only Chinese in the group. But, you did NOT allege that your supervisor treated all non-Chinese co-workers differently from treating you. For discrimination, you must allege you were treated differently. If she treated a white or a Chinese both in the same rude way, that is not discrimination, it just means she was a rude person. But if she treated whites real nice but was real tough on you, that's discrimination.】 【 Regardless of whether Lewis' treatment of you was time barred, you must plead the claims properly. For the claimed retaliatory action against your protected activity (complaining about discrimination), you must also plead properly. It is not enough to state that you were not given assignments with security clearance as an excuse, you must plead that that excuse was false and there were other assignment potentially available, and you must plead that the withholding of assignments was linked to your original discrimination complaint. Of course, whether there is a link is a triable fact. For the question of "kill someone", what you presented might be rude conduct, but it is unclear it's retaliatory action based on that alone. A retaliatory action must be linked to the protected activity, and your pleading lacks that link. You have to argue on that, such as timing, etc....In some cases, the closeproximityof timing alone may establish the link... 】 如此详细阅读其文件,详细解释之后。我看她实在是不行,于是几乎是一字一句地帮其改写上诉文件,包括纠正其英语语法。然后主动帮她找案例。。。等等。还多次在中文媒体写文章为她争取支持。。。几乎说比幼儿园老师还耐心。为什么? 毕竟这是一个同胞据说被人欺负了都导致精神出现状况,好像有无穷的冤屈(注),不免有些同情。 很多人这样那样说贺绍强,但是我觉得贺这人其实还是不错的。 至少他不是条白眼狼,每次见到他,他都说你是我们家的恩人。 注:李永控告的依据是遭受歧视、迫害导致精神问题(后已康复)
个人分类: 法律|8765 次阅读|37 个评论
分享 奇!美中网冒出一个美人蕉
热度 10 cannaa 2012-9-13 13:16
突然发现美中网横空出世个美人蕉,而且英文拼法也是cannaa。正确的英文应该是“canna”,我用cannaa是想区别他人,或是可以改叫“美人蕉娃”。看来我的网名很好,有人顺手牵羊了。 不过那个美人蕉是个右派,文章以批评中国政府为主。 http://blog.sinovision.net/home.php?mod=spaceuid=165518do=index
个人分类: 瞎侃瞎聊|2474 次阅读|30 个评论


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